Governor McCheese

lol communication.

Whatever anyone wants to say about Laettner, he was a great college player.

He’s not good enough.

Was this kid engineered in a lab to play for Duke?! Amazing.

This guy belongs in the Trump cabinet. Every time he throws a cheap shot, he reacts like a victim.

I like this logic. It’s so pleasingly circular.

Yep, my 16 year old sister confirmed that this is because they are hyper aware of their online presence and want to be in control of it. It’s also a signal to your friends not to tag you either, which I get but...why are you posing for a picture in the first place? Why not just decline the photographer or turn your

A long time ago, when I was in my early 20s, I was visiting Denver with a bunch of work people. The ladies of the group wanted to go to this “really popular” nightclub, okay fine.

+1 bottle of water snuck in via cargo pocket, because it’s just careless to spend $9 at the arena

AT&T Center security has a similar problem with Tim Duncan, and always are keeping an eye on him when he’s in the arena, because of all the customers complaining of him lecturing them that, instead of spending all this money to watch a basketball game, they should invest it in a 5 year treasury note which, on

The veal WAS excellent. Thanks for the recommendation.

He’s buying seats behind Dolan and heckling him, which Dolan’s ego cannot stand.

More like James Dolan out pink slips, amirite?

when the south park guys are all “we can’t make fun of this anymore…”

Watching this high would be a waste of drugs.

Later he gets the rebound. Passes it to the man. Shoots it. And boom goes the dynamite.

One of the annoying things about our system is that the President is both Head of State and Head of the Government. In many other countries, this role is split, where the Head of State does the ceremonial stuff and the Head of Government does the real work. (Queen of England/Prime Minister)

I was disappointed in Tim

Joe Biden should invite all the players that are not attending over dinner and video games.

Christ, he sounds absolutely exhausting.