Governor McCheese

There are vaporisors, too, which spare you the discomfort in your throat and lungs that you may experience from smoking.

If you have to do mental gymnastics to interpret something as racist, it isn’t racist.

I’ve found that the anti-female bias is especially present when the hiring manager is a woman because they don’t worry about appearing misogynistic.

I think this is true of all generations. The only difference is that you weren’t around yet when all the baby boomers (for example) with poor work ethics fizzled out and left your industry, but it definitely happened to them too. In ten or so years, all the shitty millennials will be out of the rat race and the

I think he’s saying it was a bullet-wizard, like in the magic bullet theory.

Today I had a conversation about the Yale game with an attorney at my firm and your comment makes me hate myself for it. +1

You’re almost as bad as the New Englander above.

You can look through photos of the tagged place, which can be useful for planning vacations or exploring the world from the line at the DMV. Otherwise it’s not useful.

Eagles fan here. We don’t care if you call Chip a racist. He probably is a racist. He lost the locker room when he kept Riley Cooper on the roster.

He’s the L. Ron Hubbard of fantasy writing.

That doesn’t sound simple at all.

This is a beautiful, subtle troll. 9/10

I don’t think any journalist - male or female - who interrupted pressers to call the speaker on bullshit would have a long career. Everyone there is just trying to get the Jerry Jones soundbites that they will incorporate into their articles - they don’t need one of their peers going rogue and making it even more

So are Toronto fans throwing beers at babies the new Eagles fans throwing snowballs at Santa? I’d say the Toronto fans are worse because babies are real and the “Santa” in Philly was just a drunk old guy in a costume.

I don’t get this reference. Does Temple have a reputation for not graduating players? Or are they universally considered a “bad school” like Arizona State?

Drew Barrymore already did it for Lifetime or the Hallmark Channel.

I think the rule is that in the event of a tie, the dipshit who literally gave the ball away to the other team loses the ball. I agree with you that it would be a close call if he had just accidentally lost the ball, but I don’t think the league office was willing to give Marshall the benefit of the doubt under the

But how often do people false report other crimes? It could be a lot - I have no idea. The reason a false rape report is more serious than, say, a false carjacking report to dupe an insurance company is that the rape accusation alone is enough to ruin the accused’s life.

Is this movie so bad it’s good (enough for one viewing)? Or is it a steaming pile that should just be avoided?

The Sherpas are in the movie, don’t worry. You don’t need to cancel your drum circle to go chain yourself to the doors of the local multiplex.