Governor McCheese

LOL! OMG - You and your bros could totally have your own show, you guys. Like The League, but way funnier.

No retweets for this gem? I find that hard to believe.

Purity may be a shitty book (I don’t know - I haven’t read it yet), but it can’t be as vapid and banal as Gawker Media’s essay series on how much Franzen sucks.

I remember someone tried to do a reality show about the Bronx public defenders, but once they cut everything out that is covered by privilege, they were left with almost nothing “TV worthy” and scrapped the show.

I think it would only help sell tickets. The NFL looks bad enough without filing lawsuits that look to the public like another effort to cover up the “truth” about concussions. The lawsuit would dominate headlines and everyone would be wondering what the fuss was all about and would see the movie.

Wouldn’t the better strategy be to take the NFL head-on and let the ensuing media shitstorm publicize the movie for free? You could have had everyone in the country know about this movie while spending $0 on ads. Instead, it will be approved by the NFL and nobody will see it. Sony isn’t even a player in the NFL TV

Julius Rosenberg > Judas Iscariot

The rule is that you take your age, divide by two, and add seven to find your minimum dating age. You can go as low as 26!

Nostalgia is affecting your judgment.

There are plenty of rational explanations. But you flipped out on the dude for simply asking a valid and relevant question.

My first instinct wasn’t that she was lying. I was just wondering why you were so offended by a guy wondering why she didn’t go to the police. It’s definitely a fact that is relevant to the case and one that will be submitted to the jury (if the case gets that far). It’s not out-of-bounds to inquire about it.

When she made her latest “art project” a couple months ago in which she reenacted her “rape” on camera by having consensual sex with a guy and crying afterwards. After she posted that video, even her most ardent supporters distanced themselves. Clearly her idea of rape is not the same as the rest of society’s.

He didn’t shame her, or blame her for anything. He just wants to know why she didn’t go to the police, which is a valid question. The recent string of false rape allegations in the media (e.g. UVA and Columbia mattress girl), it might be time to put the “guilty til proven innocent” mindset to rest. I don’t know if

If you throw in some push-ups every now and then, I think you’ll have all your bases covered.

My biggest take-away from the Serial podcast was that the Baltimore accent and Philly accent are nearly identical. Blew my mind for some reason.

Dude’s probably a baby-boomer. We’re all getting old as fuck.

Yes, it’s one of the multitude of factors considered by a court evaluating how much control the principal exerts over the hire. But that’s not how you framed your original comment, the comment to which I was responding.

Legislating from the bench? Do you really expect the California legislature to pass laws that say “Uber drivers are independent contractors”, or “Target cashiers are employees”, et cetera? The judge was applying facts to the current law; he didn’t change the law.

That’s not what the law is. The difference between a contractor and an employee is the amount of control the principal (here, Uber) has over them.

[insert jpeg of Seinfeld crew and “bizarro” Seinfeld crew from “The Bizarro Jerry” episode]