Governor McCheese

It's a Hollywood cliche, not an appropriate response.

You should have used your vagina power to throw a drink in his face.

Who died and made you queen of gender-equality? Don't compare yours to the struggle of black people post-slavery, it's insulting.

I never disagreed with you. I just said that because you get to talk about dicks, dudes can talk about twats, which is pretty much what you said in your original post, but reversed. Equality!

But didn't you just now "get right on it" and talk about my dick without ever receiving the telescope? Thanks! I feel like the weight of 1'000 of your tits has been lifted off of my shoulders.

Great! Talk about my dick now, so I can stop feeling so guilty about talking to all my bros about your twat.

As a white guy, I've always thought that all white girls in their early twenties kind of look the same. This phenomenon is particularly apparent on college campuses.

Susan had a great story. My Aunt Catherine makes $5,000 per month from home filtering spam for online blogs, AND YOU CAN TOO! Find out how to get started in five easy steps by visiting our site: www.shittypyramidschemejob.com.

Better late than never!

So scared, broke young women aren't allowed to make their own adult decisions anymore? Great, I'll tell that to all my female friends in Grad school, I'm sure they'll appreciate your sentiment.

The assholes who run Gawker media and bait Deadspin readers into commenting on Jez articles? Or the assholes at Deadspin who take said bait?

The admins posted a link to this article at the bottom of Deadspin and Gawker; I think they know exactly what they are doing.

Get a pimp if you don't want to get ripped off by the Johns, whore.

It protects both genders? I suppose that's a relief because during my time volunteering at a legal aid clinic, I ran into many situations where a man was constantly being abused by his girlfriend or wife. But I don't know if the remedies provided by the Act would be as helpful to them as to women because, while women

So basically VAWA provides funding for legal aid for women who are victims of violence? I'm down. Thanks for your reply!

This was a good article, but I wish it went into more detail about why the VAW Act is needed in the first place because I am very ignorant on this subject. I'm not blaming the author, because this is probably beyond the scope of the article. But can anyone offer me any insight? I only ask because violent crimes

Hipsters are the new yuppies. A hipster is a basically a "recession yuppie".

You should be forced to buy insurance because if you don't and you get in an accident or get really sick, you're going to go to the emergency room and use the services and guess who pays for that? I know you'll probably say something like "if i got my arm chopped off, I wouldn't go to the hospital or I would pay for

He used it right, bro. You look like an asshole.

So what happens when the equally-qualified male colleague successfully negotiates a higher salary than his female counterpart? Is the company forced to choose between (1) giving the female a raise to match the male's because she's a woman, even though she didn't drive a hard bargain, or (2) letting the male go to a