Governor McCheese

You just have to find someone who is more family-driven than career-driven and will be willing to let you take charge and decide where to live. The sacrifice would be that you would likely have to be the chief breadwinner.

Guys (I am one) do it too. Some plan out families, others plan out casual affairs like the author above. Either way, the opposite of the plan is usually what ends up happening.

Fellow 85er. I remember cool older siblings of friends listening to the Kidz, but we got stuck with a good stretch of Grunge before our generation's pop Golden Age came into being with NSync, Backstreet, and BritBrit (not a boy band, I know; but she's my favorite).

She totally bodyshamed you guys hard. If young girls can't look up to J.Law, to whom can they? Girl power!

It's true what they say: Nice Guys (like Taylor Swift) finish last. I can't wait for the song where she explains how she was so sweet, down-to-earth and virginal, while he took advantage of her naivete and used her without feeling.

As a largish man, I live in fear of my ginger girlfriend's "mysterious bruising". Nobody has ever said anything to me, but I'm sure some of the ladies in her spin classes hate me.

What about female urologists?

My story applies because the OP was suggesting that humor is a way people deal with horrible situations. As OP points out in a reply to his original post, Katie Baker neglected to mention that the guy watched the rape and live Tweeted it; don't flip out at me for being ignorant of the facts when I was justifiably

You sound like an undergraduate at a small New England liberal arts college.

Hence my use of the word "realistic", as opposed to the word "real".

And I would have thought the Jezebel fan base would appreciate an ad campaign whose punch line is "so easy a ____man" can do it. What do you want? "So easy a cavewoman can do it?" Is that less offensive?

How does an animal's behavior go from realistic to unrealistic based upon the existence of a human social structure? Lions either behave a certain way or they don't. In this case, lone male lions hunt sometimes in real life; therefore, an ad portraying such an event is, by definition, realistic with regards to that

Fuck off. A judgmental prick like you probably doesn't have any friends to joke around with in the first place.

My childhood best friend, with whom I was still very close, killed himself a couple of years ago. I remember, in the wake, making many many jokes regarding suicide. It wasn't because suicide is funny, it was because I was so sad and angry that I had to emote somehow; after a while I was sick of crying. The jokes

Ok ok, you've convinced me; all hetero men are savage women-hater.

As a hetero man, I can say that navigating the world as a teenage boy needing the approval of hetero women wasn't exactly a picnic. I'm sure teenage lesbians share these growing pains arising from attempting to find a nice girl to date. Anyway, most hetero men are not like the kids in this video (kids who, by the

That may be so. I agree that he's overrated.

Yes! In fact, when I saw the headline, I initially thought that this whole post would be a guide to silent sex. I've found that the floor is good because carpets don't squeak.

I'm sure you could write fiction if you tried. The hardest part is thinking of an interesting/entertaining story and you seem to have already done that. Just revise revise revise. Even if you don't get published, writing a good story is pretty damn satisfying.

One thing that bothers me about these stupid city ranking surveys is that they assume that the crime and poverty (and symptoms thereof) are distributed evenly across the city. Sure, Philadelphia has a high crime rate, but it's safe if you live in a middle-class neighborhood, which is presumably where a reader of one