Governor McCheese

I know that we're all supposed to think that everyone is beautiful, and I suppose Gabourey is. But should you really be endorsing a body image that is likely to take a good forty years off of her life? Gabourey is the new Amy Winehouse.

Hetero guy, here (not a "nice guy" though; back in my single days my game was playing hard to get, not kissing ass). You are spot on about this perception among the weaker among our sex about their own image. I blame much of it on all of those Bro Comedies (like Knocked Up and 40 Year Old Virgin and Grandma's Boy et

I know I'm in the minority here, but I love Jackie Brown, some days even more than I love Pulp Fiction. The characters are all compelling and exciting, the plot is tight (I know it's an adaptation, but still), and the music and dialog give the whole movie this cool easy vibe that makes it perfect for hungover Sunday

There seems to be too many Asian guys represented on the mass-killer registry for me to think it is a race thing. Maybe there are similarities between Asian guys and white guys that could account for it, but I don't think it's just something about "whiteness". It does appear that almost all of the mass shootings

Having gone to Columbia myself, I can tell you that the most awful degrading comments about the Barnard women came from the Columbia women.

Boyfriend speaking. If I wear J. Crew suits under a Carhartt jacket to my office in a glass skyscraper every day, does that make me a "Carhartt boyfriend" or a "J. Crew boyfriend"? On the weekends it's jeans and Carhartt, but I go to art museums and shit when I wear that, not wood chopping. I will say that when I

Does anybody else think that teams bench players with fake injuries to save them for the postseason? The Sixers are keeping Bynum sidelined with a mysterious knee injury indefinitely, and I think it's because they know that they can make the playoffs without him. Same with the Knicks with Amare and Carmello. Maybe

I didn't include the years during which I was not yet old enough to be dating girls; I'm not 15.

As a heterosexual male who has always had a celebrity-crush on Heidi, I second this. Time for me to move on. So I ask you, Jezeladies: Who should my new celebrity-crush be? Not having one is not an option, because it will inevitably come up at a cocktail party and I don't want to be the jerk without an answer

I never never said I was a dick. That's my whole point. I only said that I "ignor[ed] her and act[ed] like I didn't give a fuck", which is, as you point out, essentially playing hard to get.

That was my dating Achilles as a boy, so I had to make little rules about that stuff. If you had meant me, you would have been fine.

Once? Get real; I've had more than one girlfriend in my 15 years of being young and single. And in what way did I act? I later found out that her biggest dating turn-off was guys who came across as stage-5 clingers, so ignoring some of her texts and emails was probably the way to go. I wasn't a dick to her or

Yea, the ignoring thing thing only works after you have her attention and she is texting or emailing you. And all I mean is that you shouldn't reply instantly. Act like you have a real life going on and reply when you get around to it; maybe it takes a day or two. I don't mean totally icing the woman out.

Be aggressive. Stop being such a wuss. And don't be so fucking friendly unless you want to be their friend.

Because watching Kevin Smith browse through a box of old comic books on TV is exactly how I want to spend my evening. I'm sure he'll be wearing some stupid hockey jersey in every episode because he's so down-to-earth like that. You know; just another guy from Jersey. Go make Clerks 3, Kev; you obviously have


What about Le Vie En Rose about Edith Piaf? That came out in 2007 and was nominated for a slew of awards.

Do you tell them this before or after the sex? Because I've had this situation explode, spewing their hurt feelings all over my face enough times to think that this never really ends as planned.

He keeps coming back to poke the hornet's nest to see what happens; perhaps he's studying you.

Circumcision doesn't result in a "different type" of sensitivity, it results in reduced sensitivity plain and simple. Though I concede that it is still possible to have orgasms.