Governor McCheese

Yea, everyone knows that it comes down to sexism.

Nobody made the comparison here until you.

I think white is much less common in second-marriages, for what its worth. My mother married my step-father in blue.

You think having pussy or tits (or dick, if applicable) shoved in your face is disturbing? Live a little, dude; just go with it.

Eesh; seriously. In defense of the Jezzies, I'm sure there are many males who troll the site and put them on the defensive. But they are awfully quick with the accusations.

I agree on all of your points here. I was just trying to have a discussion. I guess that makes me a troll around here.

I agree that there is a thing as "too drunk to fuck", but when both parties are that drunk, why is it the guy's responsibility to call it off, as these ads imply, rather than a shared responsibility?

A trial sure, but not a conviction, because it isn't rape. But doesn't this say more about our society viewing drunk women as precious little innocent lambs while drunk guys are lecherous monsters than it does about the definition of rape?

Thank you for your respectful reply and for not calling me a troll because I'm a male who disagrees with something on Jezebel. I see where your coming from. I just wonder why these ads are always directed at men. Is it because of the belief that our dicks don't work if we're blacked out (total myth, btw)? Or

So every man and woman who drunkenly fucked at college is a rapist? I'm no Matlock, but I'm pretty sure that more is required.

Troll? Because I think these ads are condescending? They are. Drunk women are just as capable of making good decisions as drunk guys.

Yea, everyone who disagrees with you is a troll. My point is that why are drunk guys able to make these judgment calls about people being too drunk etc, while drunk women can't? I disagree with that assertion, which is why i think the ads are sexist against women.

Yea, if the guy is totally sober and the girl is wasted, but how often is that the scenario. Usually, both parties are drunk. This ad makes no effort to restrict its commentary to the former. Why are drunk guys expected to be geniuses with good judgment whereas drunk women are helpless little lambs who need

So where are the ads directing women not to have sex with guys who are too drunk? And since when does having sex with a drunk person qualify as rape? These ads are condescending because they imply that women are incapable of making their own choices regarding whether to hook-up and that men must make that decision

You don't give enough of a fuck to give the handwank to an opposing player at a baseball game? You must live a pretty rigid existence. You don't have to wait until you're old to loosen up.


We're absolutely positive. You don't even need to look it up; you can trust us.

Philly is Temple's town. People don't give a shit about Penn State here.

It's not like men enjoy being groped unnecessarily by the police during stop & frisks. Men can't fight back against the police simply because they are the same gender; the police have the force of law behind them and can arrest a person for resisting or being uncooperative.

False. I meant B*witched.