Governor McCheese

My male roommate is in nursing school, so I see it happen to him and completely agree with what you're saying. My law school class is half men and half women with people getting job offers in those same proportions, so the good news is that some industries are doing pretty well with gender equality.

And these same people who bemoan the lack of women in engineering never bemoan the lack of men in nursing, which is another field that pays well and requires a significant investment in education. Is that then also sexism? I agree with OP, that it mostly boils down to interest.

"The really cool thing about forensic science, though, is that it's among the very few science fields that women overwhelmingly dominate."

In Philly this is a normal price for a nice meal.


You don't hear about the positive aspects of team college sports because articles about students applying the skills they learned playing sports (teamwork, dedication, working to improve at something) to their post-college lives in the real world are not interesting and do not get as many clicks as football stories

Yea, it's the athletes who are all potential rapists, not college guys generally.

How much are these employees getting paid? It's hard to calculate how miserable a job is without knowing the wage. I, for example, would be willing to put up with quite a bit for $100/hr.