Tommáso della Servo


I worked a bit on this film and I actually thought it had been released months ago, so this theatrical news is.. news to me.

Awww, Falkor. Too bad your life was not neverending.

his latest big-budget movie

Nah.  Natureslayer ruined it by saying it was in Florida.  My immediate response was “aah,  that figures,” thereby keeping me from clicking the link.  But still.. what?

“popular kids’ breakfast food” doesn’t necessarily equal popular with kids’ breakfast food. Though it was absolutely popular with me when I was a kid and both my kids ask for it regularly. That doesn’t mean they don’t prefer Apple Jacks or Froot Loops, though.  As usual, not everything is black & white.

Actually the Musk cultists brigade articles like this instead.  Which, as you may notice, doesn’t count as a “slightly negative” one.  It’s pretty outright and exaggeratingly negatively biased.

That’s definitely it, and not because more and more governments areannouncing plans to move away from fossil-fueled cars in the next 3decades.

Land and re-use boosters?  Look up a video of it.  No one did it before SpaceX.  Nasa’s launches were quite a bit more expensive.

What fawning press?  The only press I ever see is press like this.  People seem to talk about the fawning press a lot more than that fawning press actually exists.

He went from Master Thief to “We found this guy trying to carry a 70-inch TV out of Best Buy at 2 in the afteroon”.

The stunts are either far too easy to complete, or far too difficult, but Marc Summers and Liza Koshy seem to play off each other so well that they do a great job of selling the show. Unlike, say, Mario Lopez with the Candy Crush show, Liza is so far, so great. She seems genuinely happy and energetic with the kids &

T.O.O. B.A.D.

This comment needs to crescendo more before its coda.

This is the best comment.

Aaah, yes, the clutch shots against Utah his first or second season that he refused to pass out of.  Those turned out well.

A buddy of mine holds Kobe in much higher-esteem than I do (we both grew up Lakers fans). So he took his son to finally see him in Portland during one of his final two seasons (I forget which). He said that during the game every time Kobe put up one of his obviously forced, me-against-the-brick-wall-in-front-of-me

Do your self a favor and watch the last two, and then go see Fallout again.  I watched and enjoyed the last two, but my wife hadn’t, so we watched them during the week leading up to Fallout’s release, and it added so much to our immediate recall of many details that are touched upon in Fallout.  Ancillary details,

Define “resources.”

If we follow this line of thinking assuming that both Ed and Torrey are making true statemtns, then Ed’s statement, having come in response to Torrey’s, isn’t necessary at all. It’s a literal redundancy as parents are already a resource. So the tweet was not only unnecessary but suggests that Ed wasn’t really writing