Tommáso della Servo

seeing it as the charge it was.

I know it doesn’t fit your narrative but any player that demands a trade makes that player a risk to holdout and stop playing for you, or stop playing hard for you. So even a GM that wants to keep the player is pretty much forced to trade him. It’s the truth and is well documented.

I choose to be Schrodinger’s Cat.

so here’s 500 words on a concept I just made up that I’m going to capitalize but not actually define.

Please start using actual photos of Mark Cuban instead of his Madame Tussaud’s replica. It’s too uncanny valley for me....

“One of the greatest catchers in history gets coverage post career. Why?”

Wow that is way way better!

When I was a lot younger Arby’s had a dessert called a “Polar Swirl,” and I fell in love with the Reese’s peanut butter cup version. I’d get a Resse’s Polar Swirl, a side of fries and I would just drown my fries in Arby’s sauce because I love it so much. Since they got rid of the Polar Swirl, the fries & sauce

Link? I’d love to know how something permanent and bad can be made better.

You should have stayed in the grays for use of “’Tics” alone.

So this is a bit of an analogy fail. It’s difficult to see how the product on the field is different than what the customer is ordering given that the anthem takes place before the product - the game - even begins. As noted in the article, 10 years ago teams weren’t even present on the field for the anthem. No one is

Absolutely. Serena is so dominant she’s never been taken to 5 sets.

The balls on this guy.

My wife says I have a Pino Griot.. should I be offended?

Norm McDonald?

Plus Hideo Nomo, not Hideki.

The trauma of the events gave Eddie Barkin much of his inspiration for his musical writings...and a legend was born.

Did the guy that crashed into and killed Adenhart work for the organization?

Votto’s gonna be pissed that some hack is stealing his schtick.