Tommáso della Servo

What do you hope to accomplish with these articles?

I’m not misusing anything but you already knew that.

Except it’s not.. *necessarily.* Nuance: catch-it. U R NT SMRTR.

a pencil in his ear.

He didn’t call him a rapist. He called him an alleged rapist.

That’s legally, but not necessarily realistically. What you’re espousing is “You didn’t catch me speeding so therefore I wasn’t.”

Yep. I hadn’t heard of The Athletic before this; now I have. I won’t be subscribing or even visiting the site, mind you, but it’s reasonable to think that more people now know about The Athletic than did before.


You just jinxed it. Now that Pepsi will end up flat.

Correction: Cincinnatti....WKRP.

Hateful Eight is one of the few modern exceptions. Tarantino seemingly has such disdain for digital release that he colored and finished the film all photochemically, with a digital finishing for DCPs and blu-ray as a separate entity, which was a digitizing of a 35mm reduction print. So your 70mm experience should

Many - if not most - movies shot on film are still colored and finished digitally, and then just re-shot back to film after the fact. The DCP that you see in the theaters is prior to the shot-back-to-film step in the process.

Yeah, that’s just a small part of it. Digital distribution can be controlled and locked-down much easier than film. If that wasn’t possible, merely being cheaper might not have been good enough.

I see what you did there.

So, this is the tale of John Skipper, He’s here for a long, long time.

I’d nominate the Marlins and the Rays, but I’m biased. San Diego is such a pleasant place to vacation for a weekend, stroll around town, and Oh hey! There’s a stadium there, let’s go see a game. Plus I like the Gwynn/Garvey/Gossage history of the Padres versus the Amway throw-together-a-champion-and-then-disband

Wasn’t this in a period when the options were far more limited? If you wanted fun, escapist, action adventure type entertainment, what else was there?

I thought he *was* talking about JV or Varsity. In which case I would give him leeway because some of the more talented kids could be pissing away scholarships. But junior high... well..

In closing, we only have about 3 weeks left