Tommáso della Servo

Since they’re dropping one at a time, seemingly one season at a time, I want to see them double-down on it. The war of attrition between feudal factions continues as Negan eventually falls, Morgan goes, Carol goes, all the way to an end game where a crawling Rick feels his leg get bitten just as he crests a hill,

I’m tapping out.

man, that’s some venom

If ever there were two people that I did not need to see represented visually, it’s GRRM & Stugotz.... on ESPN Radio and ESPNU.

+65535 rows & columns

NoMo. NoMo.

Carl hasn’t died in the comics yet and at some point basically becomes the protagonist. so him dying in the TV show is really strange.

Or Erdinger is sponsoring the German team.

Please tell me he did the “release the dove” move!

Kevin S. Kelly!

+1 K-E-L-L-Y. Why?

That use case, yes, exact same result. But that’s the only use case for the Stanley whereas the growlerwerks will re-carb a flat beer, force carb an uncarbed beer, and if you’re not a nightly drinker, will keep the beer fresh for several weeks as opposed to just a few days.

That use case, yes, exact same result. But that’s the only use case for the Stanley whereas the growlerwerks will

My wife got me one for Christmas. It’s .... OK.

My wife got me one for Christmas. It’s .... OK.

What’s with the mannequin of Cubes? That Hot Toys collectible is just too uncanny valley for me.

Sometimes he needs to take breaks from yelling at clouds in order to till the onion fields. Those onions on his belt won’t grow themselves.

This take is hot. Hot like a fire... burning... well you know the rest.

John Rutsey would take Rush to the top.

flick the switch

-1 Tallywacker.

“I like that they’re long and slow.”