That pig has something against important animal news.
That pig has something against important animal news.
By that erroneous rationale, until gun owners can police their fellow gun owners, they have no right to complain when others tell them they can’t have nice things. They prove weekly that they’re incapable of handling their “right” but only get mad at the people calling them out on it instead of fixing their own shit.…
Yeah it absolutely does, which also comes off myopic too as waxing your board would be among the requirements for being a good boarder.
If you wake up confused, upset, and reeking of cows, then you’re in Sacramento. ..... or Chino.
Vance Joseph will punt from the other team’s 40 in mile-high altitude. Even the University of Georgia will try a 57-yd field goal at 0 ft altitude. I think Denver could do worse than pick-up Sea Bass... and by worse I mean Brandon McManus.
Is KG trying to make that hood a thing? Because it seems like KG is trying to make that hood a thing.
Nema 5-15 is shocked she wasn’t the model for the header of this article.
Just imagine how much he’d have gotten if he DIDN’T do those things! The mind throws wild at the thought.
“alksjfakdhfkladjf” is the Tom Ley-ball version of “Ask again later”.
Tom Ley provided the in-depth analysis that is that hallmark of Deadspin reporting and what one comes to Deadspin to read.
This is one of the reasons I seek out the grey comments as well as the ungreyed. I’m ungreyed on a few Kinja sites and am familiar with other regular thoughtful commenters who are greyed on those same sites. There is plenty of rational discourse to be found up-and-down the threads. Pass the reasonable bar of not…
I’m not trying to sound snarky here, but isn’t high-hundreds or into the thousands simply too much? I get mildly excited when I see a topic I like with 100-200 comments, but once that topic has 300-500, I tune out. It just seems like too much noise.
Seems like it at first glance but since IT is an unrestricted free agent at the end of the year, does it really matter?
My disinterest in UFC is directly proportional to Dana White’s decreasing ability to push his bulbous melon through the neck-hole of his shirts.
Should have been an 8-0 vote.
I started with Elway since my bro went to school with him.
Do not draft crap like Timmah! Tebow! Yeah, I’m still bitter about his time here in Denver.