Tommáso della Servo

Amazon’s listing is “Frustration free packaging.” Is there actually a chance this doesn’t come in the retail Lego box? That seems as “frustration free” as it gets.

Amazon’s listing is “Frustration free packaging.” Is there actually a chance this doesn’t come in the retail Lego

What about Cholula? I love a generous helping of cholula in my Bloody Mary.

I’m now scouring the house for said liquid.


I was going with Ram Tough, but I’m with you. I wish someone could articulate it for us.

I just wish someone could tell us where Carson Wentz to college. You’d think they’d mention that.

I’m more impressed with Sean McDonough’s legpose, on what must be at least two apple boxes.

Ha, thanks! And you’re right. The show - despite sometimes wild premises - was like reality; sometimes there was fun, sometimes there was drama. It was great that way. Despite their adversarial nature, Higgins and Magnum had a great friendship. Someone on the O-Deck posted a great analysis of the show a year-or-two

Yeah I’m lucky I saw that as a teenager so that I laughed right along with them, too. Plenty of movies gave me unending nightmares as a kid, so I didn’t need something like that to add to it.

Yeah I get that, but the problem I’ve had with any show or movie like that is when they try to make it “in their time,” they sometimes buffoon it up too much, like That 70s Show, or The Brady Bunch movies or something (or the Goldbergs? I think that’s what it was called). If they could do it a la Stranger Things where

It’s like I just let auto-predict compose a text message for me!

This. Look at that Godzilla movie where those air force dudes parachute in to the city that Godzilla is laying waste to. Vader just needs to land on top of Godzilla’s head and spear him with the saber and it’s all over.

Those are grievances that some friends who *have* kids might also have with their parent friends.

OK? 2ND down and 9!

Is it bad that I read this in Heinz Doofenshmirtz’s voice?

That’s one realistic Hot Toys action figure!

I never, ever liked Kathy Griffin. In every thing I ever saw her in, from Seinfeld to her overly-augmented face on NYE, everyone she worked with seemed to react to her as though they were enduring her schtick. And yet I felt she was vilified *too* much for the stupid Trump thing.

I already assumed College Basketball was fixed. Ohhhhh, that “fixed,” not that “fixed.”