Tommáso della Servo

Pretty much. My son’s Parkour class is right after my daughter’s Gymnastics class - in the same facility with some of the same teachers.

While I see your point, you can think of a better example than that. In your example, you would have plugged in on Saturday night after arriving home. Sunday you wouldn’t have needed to go anywhere to refuel. That equals time saved. Now add that up over the number of times you normally would go to a gas station.

I get that argument and I’ve yet to make my “normal” road trips in my Tesla, so I haven’t established a benchmark yet. But as far as cumulative time is concerned, my thinking so far is that the time I’ve saved not having stepped foot into a gas station to refuel once since I’ve owned the car means I have gained back

I’m borderline ready to push my company to take advantage of its local utility’s $2k rebate for EVSE installation, despite the fact that my 200+mile range doesn’t really need it. But it would be worthwhile for them because they could potentially charge a reasonable rate for the power, and the half-dozen Leaf/Mercedes

You may want to do a bit more research on the ability to set up charge station at companies. At the company’s discretion, it could charge for, or give away the power, all while enjoying potentially thousands of dollars in tax breaks. It could also be rolled into the compensation package for employees interested.

It’s amazing how someone can like both chicken and pizza at the same time! Just like one could want a great infrastructure for EVs and also avail themselves of mass transit! Wow!

A cynic might be correct.

I would love to see gas station owners installing these new urban Superchargers. Diversify. Most of your income is from selling at your mini-mart anyway (if you have one.) The problem is, whatever gasoline brand you’re affiliated with likely wouldn’t be too happy if you had two supercharger stalls by your pumps.

I wish this would happen more. My employer’s city power company is offering $2k in rebates for installation of EV chargers on-site, and then the company can choose to either partner that installation with a Blink or evGO or ChargePoint service, or not. But unfortunately their message to the half-dozen or so ev

Mostly this. While fast-charging is real (Chademo & Superchargers), it’s still not quite as fast as refueling at a gas station. I do have faith that it’ll get faster, but not that soon. But ymmv, so for those 3 or 4 road trips per year where I need a Supercharger, the convenience of home charging at 10kwh is worth

On hindsight would you say that you chose poorly?


Never let anyone tell you the NFL isn’t fair. (That last sentence is a lie.)

That’s disgusting.

Wait... it’s an Automatic? No sale! (That, and only that, is what is keeping me back... definitely...)

wait for someone to feed him or pet him or tug his dick.

So she checked the “No” box, eh? Harsh.

Better photo attribution please.

Jayfloaters? Oh wait, they’re dead.