“Sorry Coach. I lost it in the .... jersey?”
“Sorry Coach. I lost it in the .... jersey?”
Is it just serendipity that the ad I just watched scrolling down to the comments said “Bruce Lee” in it?
“Nope, you’re still a hypocrite.”
“apparently drank it straight out of a 55 gallon drum”
You lost me at “catsup.”
Also, no mention of the week this happened and unhappened?
Dean Spanos can get a burning taint rash
..like tears in the rain.
If only there was some way that the person who videoed this could have allowed us to see more of what was happening ahead of, and behind, the road rager.
This is a really short Why Your Team Sucks: Chargers, Drew.
Woah! Easy with the Kardashian porn screencaps! NSFW! Oh wait...that’s food?
In fairness, SHough did only say “LA to build public transportation.” He/she didn’t say “well-run public transportation.”
I think you should pre-emptively start drinking in advance of seeing your copy of the chart.
she’d be like many spider species who eat the male
In other news, Bill Buckner and Donnie Moore are still waiting for their rings.
people who don’t realize their credit card(s) are about to be declined
Indeed... it’s an easy choice between mocking the guy that makes sure that he shows everyone that he works out versus the guy that thinks he might fly or sail off the edge of the earth into the mouths of waiting dragons or sea serpents.
Well, the NFL is led by a man named Roger, and Roger is good at arranging, designing and selling shrubberies.
I hope you’re just trolling, but in case not, here’s an admitted oversimplification:
growing into actually liking to read