Tommáso della Servo

“McConnell looks so sad.”

The only reason I clicked on the link is because I thought that guy was Paul Ryan, so I was thinking “No way is that dude for real.”

construction delays have prevented the roof from being fully mechanized

Except for that much less wear-and-tear on his body, and debatably, an argument that his having held out impacted that season’s prospects for the team’s on-field success. Small potatoes, to be sure, but still....

Caramel has to be #1, right? 

Oh shit. LeBron is dangerously close to making an enemy out of STEPHEN A. SMITH.

I think Drew was on a Drewcation or something. I seem to remember him mentioning something about being MIA.

I got exposed to Cars 2 plenty while my son was a toddler, and there were definitely things about it I found were perfectly fine. Mater, however.... just way too much Mater. I do like it better than Cars 1 and at this point no one in our household is even interested in Cars 3.

Wow, it seems like UFC fighters are pulling out of everything nowadays. Still, I hope the undercard is good.

+1 Oxy10 Oxycute them!

Holy shit... I did not wake up thinking I’d read a Running Scared reference today. Well done, random human!

Yep, all great points. Still, this guy’s in charge:

Ha! Yeah that crossed my mind too. Or maybe as leverage to get the other teams on the list to step-up?

He either hates LeBron or hates the organisation. Idk which is worse.

Update (4:36PM ET): Anonymous source claims Irving said last straw was when LeBron was seen on Snapchat rapping to picture of Irving “Tell me how my crown tastes.”

She’s a two-face. She can go either way.

Seriously.. if you were that close there has to be some sort of “within +/- x days” stipulation. That’s pretty spot-on in my book. Here, have a beer... or something.

I know right? I’m amazed at how someone can play football while kneeling silently during the national anthem. It’s almost like the game hasn’t really started yet, no passes have been thrown, and football isn’t really even being played.

The link I sourced it from is under Sean Cooper’s post, and sure enough, it’s on an orderable (that a word?) t-shirt.