This needs more amoré... no wait.
This needs more amoré... no wait.
I had the gross misfortune to hear some of the press conference on the way home from work yesterday. I seem to remember he actually implied that the “news” was a test to expose the leaks.
Normally my kids and I hit up the local Toppers for a heart-shaped pizza (they do a decent job with the shape), but after seeing these, I’m now glad we ignored the day altogether. In fact, I’m turned off to pizza in general at the moment, and that’s blasphemy for me.
This reads like an ad from Kinja deals. Now I want to click on the link to the product.. but it’s not there!
disdain for the plane is wholly insane.
What? Aren’t cars more intrusive on narrow neighborhood streets?
I would subscribe to NBA League Pass for the rest of the season just to see...well, the first 5 minutes of every one of those games.
Dolan was just pissed that security didn’t remove the FREE-EE OAK-LEY! guy.
2nd Round and 9!!
Well it’s “vertical,” so by definition that could be down.
I’m happy with him just being Loki. Then once the movie is over, go on a shelf somewhere until it’s time to be Loki again.
On the plus side, paid ads on uniforms just means ticket prices can go down now, right? So win-win! /s
Wow... that was quite a pull. Star for you, good Peoples.
Is there room for more aboard the cynic train? I wouldn’t be surprised if they get the money back with interest.
A bit, yes. There are still a few tweaks I’d like to implement that ios just won’t let me. Pinning icons to the bottom of the screen rather than the top, for example, as well as customizing the toggles on the swipe-up Control Center.
Boy are they going to be pissed when Optimus and Starscream decide to play-through.
Yep, and that’s tougher to calculate, too. We happen to have solar on our roof but its generating ability is still outstripped by our usage.
Yep, and that’s tougher to calculate, too. We happen to have solar on our roof but its generating ability is still…