Tommáso della Servo

That begs a good question. Since most people rarely use only the hot part of the hot water faucet, but rather a combo of hot and cold adjusted to taste, would such a device play well with that? Or would the 2.7gal be down the drain at the same rate whether the cold side is active or not?

That begs a good question. Since most people rarely use only the hot part of the hot water faucet, but rather a

Yeah, Shep said 30 seconds, but forget that. It’s upwards of 3 minutes where my faucet is. I’m not sure what $ROI would be for 3 minutes of water everday, but the gallons of water saved would definitely add up.

Yeah, Shep said 30 seconds, but forget that. It’s upwards of 3 minutes where my faucet is. I’m not sure what $ROI

I’m not sure how you’d do that other than after the shower faucet itself, but wow that’s a crappy position to be in.

I’m not sure how you’d do that other than after the shower faucet itself, but wow that’s a crappy position to be in.

I just went down a bit of a rabbithole on that site. I can’t read anymore.... it’s too depressing. There’s little schadenfreude to be had when everyone is paying the price, not just his voters.


I hear ya. The only real reason I’m not doing the “why can’t both teams lose” scenario is because my kid likes animals. His favorites are predatory birds - peregrine falcons, specifically - ergo Atlanta Falcons, and because Ryan-to-Jones is so entertaining, voila, rooting for the Falcons. Adding to that an already

Trump will issue Order 66 at some point.

Did you read the article? Because the headline was being facetious. It was a sarcastic “Gorsuch won’t fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court..... he’ll be a stooge for the GOP.”

Republicans didn’t do the same, otherwise Garland would have had hearings after the election.

Yep. Short-term gain hoping it’ll somehow all workout in the end, and it will.... with them out of office, maybe with a good consulting gig for the industry that supported them, and everyone else boned. Democrats, grow a spine for once.

They won’t, though. Democrats continue to propose moderates, who then get dragged to the mud, or say “we should be bipartisan,” while Republicans thumb their noses, do whatever they want, and Democrats shrug and say “aww, come on,” and then go along with it. I identify with many policies of the Democratic party, but

“And now back to One Tree Hill.

Poor choice of toppings, though. Bad analysis by the TV crew of that part.

I agree and would advise my son similarly. However, advising him of what to do and him actually doing it aren’t necessarily the same thing.

Starring you instead of him.

Mrs. Buttersworth goes in the pantry because she knows what she did.

This is a good point and I am going to C&P your comment to my wife.

Counterpoint: Poop sex scene from Team America.

This. I can’t believe I had to scroll this far to see jizz even side-referenced. I have kids. I know poop & puke. I will take either anyday of the week as a natural cost of having pro-created versus cleaning up the jizz of another human being.

Aaah... the NFL’s “Russian hackers found this” moment, just before the big day.