Tommáso della Servo


+1 Never Forget 9/10/2001

I thought “Retirement ceremony” and “last game in which they played” weren’t necessarily the same thing.

I’m thinking he may be lookin’ a little like this in a few decades.

Well he did say “of note.”

“You awake on a dirty park bench in Buffalo.”

Finest kind.

Huh, maybe 200K is the tipping-point for cells to start dropping off a cliff. Did it ever get above 43? Does he keep the tires inflated well or avoid driving 90mph at all times? Certainly couldn’t hurt to have the batteries checked-out.

Bruce Bochy wouldn’t have trotted out a tired Chapman for the 9th inning wiht a 6-run lead, elimination game or not. 

By “entitled” and “lazy,” you’re referring to the baseball organization that feels entitled to free labor (not to mention the public financing they used, the shady way with which it was acquired instead of paying for their business themselves) and too lazy to add paid-employees to their payroll, right?


They learned well:

My litmus test was simply how good are my MPGs. Since the only hit I took in MPG was when I swapped in Low Rolling Resistance tires, which gradually improved a bit as the tread wore, I assume I never had a cell issue, though never had the car specifically checked out for it.

It’s good to know some people still aren’t afraid to take a phone call while on the shitter.

I had an ‘05 Prius that we kept for 11 years as a commuter, while keeping a “fun” car for weekend/occasional use. It always got 48-50mpg (unless road tripping to Vegas; also after those stupid LRR tires I got installed that gave a 4mpg hit), I did most oil changes myself, and never really had a problem with it other

He’s using hyperbole to bolster his opinion and minimize an opposing one. “ridiculous” and “drastic” to describe living in CA, and “a bit of snow” to describe living in Detroit. That loses credibility outright.

I’m not too big a fan of Barilla and I do love making my own pasta, but they make spaghetti rigati, and those ridges just speak to me. I’m now inspired to look up how to make my own spag rigati.

I guarantee I will not be the first person to avoid watching as much of this game as possible. Hopefully Siciliano will do us all a solid and keep it off-screen.

I waffled. Both Rick & AJ were awesome.. just when I was hooked on the Z-28 I’d flop and want that awesome truck, and vice-versa. One of my all-time favorite episodes was one where AJ would flashback to circa Vietnam War when Rick was there and he would meltdown at the potential loss of his brother. It made loving

Better picture.