Tommáso della Servo

I read that as “Superbowl party at Kroenk’s place! Celebrate whomever wins with us!” Or something like that.

Does this mean my dream for “500 Days of Fisher” are dead?

The Chargers can be tenants and outdraw/outearn the Rams in year #1.

More like Sinn Fein-feld, amirite??

I thought I might come across 

I think the definition of “graphic” might beg to differ.

Why can’t the villain be both? I’m just asking questions.

Well technically it is a graphic that contains information, poorly laid-out or not. I’m going with infographic. Not The Onion quality, mind you, but I did manage to decipher some of the information it contained, and did so graphically.

Bishop may have taken kinesiology classes, but until she’s a kinesiologist, win goes to the Draymond.

“You are a bad influence on her and what you believe and say goes against the way we’re raising her. Have a nice life, we’ll revisit in a year. Maybe.” Fuck ‘em.

at least one-fifth of the adult men in the United States who are 7'0" or taller have played in the NBA.

This needs more SARS. Wait. Stars. More stars.

Seriously! The non-challance with which they addressed the play had me thinking it must have been blown dead, it doesn’t mean what I think it means, something.. anything but what it *actually* was.

It sounds more like projecting. If you’re a Chiefs fan, then you’re concerned that you won’t go very deep into the playoffs constantly requiring that “one little thing” to go your way. So rather than vocalize that, you vent at “chiefs haters,” which is probably a staggeringly low percentage of the population. They

We need 500 Days of Fisher

The answer is “None. None more dick.”

Any chance Tom Cruise can flip her off with that tooth?

Then apparently he can’t count, either.