Tommáso della Servo

Eh.. I didn’t so much think it was race-baiting as it was Tirico-specific. But the way it’s shaken out this is as much of a Tirio “ban” as it is a Tomas de Servo or DoesTheHumanWatchtheGame ban. We’re not the lead announcers for SNF, so we’re “banned”?? Umm.. Ok. That’s makes as much sense as me losing out on a job

Boy, Fireman Ed is looking as young-as-ever.... though perhaps a bit senile?



“... and you’ll see that kind of ‘care’ and ‘candidness’ this fall on E!”

Where’s the Gawker link to this story? Oh yeah... right..

I know a gas station he can go to... the door is wide-open.

cuenta has an issue with the possibility - even probability - of many things being true all at once. It’s “totes adorbs.”

Ha! First thing I thought of too...

“He who is valiant and pure of spirit may find the Holy Grail in the Castle of Aaggghhhh.....”

Now when my wife says “I just got a Brazilian” I won’t know what to think.

This reminds me of “...so then I told him ‘I know Karate, man.”

“The Accidental Tourist: Part 2: A different kind of Accident”

Just imagine Joe Buck doing the play-by-play of the incident, circa Randy Moss doing the pants-pulled-down TD celebration.

Now this, I’ll buy.

The Whizzinator, maybe? Is that still a thing?

Hey meant “definitely.” Damn autocorrect!

And honestly, the day yours is, that would be one hell of a glorious sentence.

And that was just what Lochte was preying on... he’s brilliant! If it wasn’t for those meddling kids.

And the security guard was merely requesting their Public Urination Pass!