Tommáso della Servo

And I love your poor reading comprehension.

Keep on truckin’, great critical thinker. Abyssinia.

Let’s see... So, apple, meet orange. That sentence’s point is that you were ridiculing people for disagreeing with you, implying crow-related meals, and basically making this about you being right - drunk bros might have lied, way to go out on a limb there - but is somehow me talking about what those people’s comments

Citation needed. Find where I said “the comments last night were...” that’s closer to your territory of generalization, not mine.

Agreed... I’ve done a few things on the level of “broken door” that I’ve kept to myself, though in this case wasn’t pretty much the only reason this blew up because Lochte’s mom decided to freak out and go to the media/usoc/ioc?

You made the accusation, you provide the citations.

Give an accurate portrayal of hundreds of comments from dozens of different people, each with a different attitude? I just read a comment from you calling Myrna an idiot, or asshole, or some other term. Could I then classify all your comments as being that derisive? Or are some a bit more reasonable? See, even from

Having one’s phone is hardly proof that one wasn’t robbed. Money is the point of robbery, too, and perhaps that was good enough. And they were holding their credentials, not wallets. If I remember right only one still had his actual wallet. For all we know it was devoid of cash, or the “security guard” decided he

It’s called scientific method. You develop a theory that fits the facts,and usually roll with the one that requires the least number of assumptions; all while open to new theories should the facts change. I don’t know what’s so wild about people saying “new information = new conclusion” or why they should be ridiculed

Peeing in the pool might affect the current too, no?

What can you do eh? I guess we just throw up our hands and...

Wow, maybe she should have taken Favre up on his “offer.”

Something tells me this won’t end well. Get back to me in 3 days.

Of course it can’t. A football is much too large and camels don’t have opposable thumbs, silly.

They have the means to complete the trifecta all at once.

Cons.... lots and lots of cons. Yep... cons.*

Make that Pliny the Elder and I’m on board.

No Wink Martindales. No Bill Cullens. No Jim Perrys.

Sold. Must have for this Halloween.

...to the braying of some Canadian.