Tommáso della Servo

Well, the OP did say “milf.” The barrier for entry into the “milf” category, at least for me, is somewhat resembling “fit.”

I have no idea what you’re talking about.

“That is one magic loogie.”

Then we would’ve been spared Celine screeching some horseshit noise

I propose that henceforth every sentence written should end with “... in Rio.”

Again. You’re not keeping up. Snyder suggested that hotels adopt a policy where the accusation of an assault results in a non-refundable revocation of reservation and expulsion from the hotel. Just the accusation. Not the actual occurrence. You’re so myopic that you don’t see how that policy can be abused by more than

Great post! I consider this type of advice, much like love, you have to experience it in order to figure out how to deal with it. Just dispensing the advice falls on deaf ears to the expecting parent(s). As well it should, too, because we become just part of the cacophony of people that we wished would just shut-up

Heed your own words. Anyone can make anything into an assault.. a look, a smile, or nothing at all. It’s an accusation of an assault, which the person I was replying to was suggesting is enough to have them physically removed, at their own expense, from a hotel. An accusation.

And they’e both similarly inanimate, carbon..

Nah... if I happen to look at and/or smile at a woman as I pass her in the hallway of my hotel, resulting in her accusing me of something and having me removed from the hotel, my reservation cancelled, *without* refund, leaving the action on me to seek legal recourse from her at my own cost, with the justification


“There are dozens of us!”

“Have you ever heard of the Malaysian Chest Implosion torture?”

And yet, somehow according to a signed letter from his physician, also the most physically fit ever to do so.

Well now I know where I’m never visiting, thank you very much!

Wait... Wallace Matthews... still exists?

And, if you were to fight Harambe, would you rather have the mace or an aluminum bat?


God in this area being Jeff Fahey’s character at the end of The Lawnmower Man

a bunch of twisted truth-tellers