
Ted Cruz: Duck Hunt is, at least, phonetically accurate.

Panton told Jezebel in an emailed statement. “Ted and I had many mutual friends who would usually stop by to watch movies, play video games, or even engage in long, fun discussions about politics, philosophy, and life.”

Granted, a million bucks is nothing for the NFL. But they are having trouble figuring out which municipality they should strong arm into paying it.

If it was the best/only remaining ‘92 Taurus available, and you and Haupt both knew

In this analogy, that Taurus is the last car in the world and you were so offended by the asking price that you’re now camping on his lawn with a shotgun to chase off other buyers. If you can’t have a car at a fair price no one gets a car ever again!

Thanks for the input, Molière.

Think about what a colossal shithead you have to be to “undermine the reputation” of the Cleveland Browns.

“Let’s bring Barry in to mentor the guys. What’s the worst that could happen?”

tiny treif tauntaun

As I patriots fan, we lost because our offensive line got manhandled. I don’t have a problem with any of his decisions. Hopefully we’ll be better next year.

NFL security requested that state police bring the balls to the stadium? And they did? Great use of taxpayer money.

Does anyone know how this is being paid for? The Revitalization Project website boasts, “No tax dollars or public funding will be used for the construction of the City of Champions Revitalization Project, including the new stadium. Indeed, the revised project is expected to create a long-term revenue source for the

Cheers to Colbert for having him on his show. I’m happy to see Colbert staying as politically/culturally relevant as he can instead of turning into a mindless host who cares only about celebrities and viral moments (looking at you, Fallon).

“saved a shart”?

Perhaps it’s because a friendly police department may have deleted things that are part of the public record, which is against the law.

I mostly stay in on Sundays. I’m more pissed about the encrappification of the games that will be on TV locally.

The NFL is the tobacco company telling us that cigarettes dont cause cancer.

Nothing worse than seeing a former teammate, leader, and inspiration leaving a trail of tears as he walks out the door, one Blackfoot following the other.

And then promptly voted out the Supreme Court justices who so ruled. So, no, Iowa doesn’t get any points, you lose, thanks for playing.

Smith wasn’t even on the Jambaroo ‘Fire This Asshole!’ list and that list pretty much has every coach that has the slightest chance of being, or need to be, fired. This firing really feels out of nowhere.