Why would Dallas want him, though?
Why would Dallas want him, though?
The bigger joke is “productition.”
This is Kinja. I will work my old tired joke until it is dead, and then I will work it some more.
I maek bill say nippel bad OK relect me
He’s not just defending men’s ‘right’ to stare with “boys will be boys,” but actually supporting men’s “inclantion” to grab a woman’s nipple in public.
The copywrite warning I post on Facebook every few months is good though right?
This cannot be proven. If it cannot be proven, then it cannot be guilty.
So Mike Matheney is saying they did everything they could do in their eyes to keep him and he chose someone else and they don't hold any hard feelings and this is still an indictment of how awful the Cardinals are? I'm confused.
Betting. Gamblers need any and all information they can get. The NFL knows that.
I agree that Samer is being childish and overly-literal in an attempt to score points, but this has nothing to do with “slippery slopes.”
You’re giving a racist billionaire your hard earned money to go sit in the cold watch a bunch of dudes give each other CTE. “I am guessing people like me are the “morons” they are trying to fool.”. You said it brother
This came out a few weeks ago (should have hit prior to Thanksgiving week so more people would have paid attention), but it’s another great takedown of the NCAA financial model.
Legit question - can you be charged with a crime in Great Britain for what he said??
Meanwhile Tom Brady is over here chowing down on some Honey Bunches of GOAT, SO SUCK IT PATS HATERZ!@!
Excuse for using your joke as a jumping point, but it’s no coincidence that two of the more thoughtful, provocative voices on police violence are Greg and Bomani, two journalists who are nominally in sports, for the same reason it took a threatened boycott by a football team to make Mizzou a national story.
So what is your reason for acting like an idiot?
Because the police erased security camera footage of the execution from a nearby Burger King, and lied about nearly every aspect of the encounter?
Holy shit I found something I hate even more than either of their comments.
I LOVE these Ask A Lawyer things because they’re the most lawyerly thing ever: Lots of words, doesn’t answer the question.