
Analog dick pics! OMG

Great job! Maybe now someone will FINALLY look into making my Cowboy Bebop on Ice. Still need to figure out putting skates on a corgi though...

As a former delivery driver for several years in the 90's...Fuck you for making me risk life and limb for your $5.99 plain pie and offering me a whole dollar for my efforts. I’d rather go home with no money. Man up and open a can of soup.

There should be a special state law that says if you make a delivery guy deliver without tipping him in the middle of a storm, he should legally be able to throw you down the stairs. The higher up you live, the more steps he gets to use.

this part is my fav

“slammed the veteran entertainer for criticizing aspects of black culture even as he faced allegations that he raped and drugged women over the years.”

The reason why “Black Lives Matter” is a meaningful mantra is the fact that so many people clearly believe the opposite. No one is saying “Black Lives Matter More Than ...,” they’re saying “Black Lives Matter The Same As Every One Else.”

This kid has a bright career in public service ahead of him.

Can you hear the people sing
Singing the songs of angry fans
Who are pissed to know the Cleveland Browns
Have failed them once again

Les Misérables de Cleveland here will never get old. Never.

I dunno why we need another when we already have Drastic Voyage.

Finally... a Republican who will fight evil by moonlight.

Hold on, what’s the difference between a “jamoke” and a “jabroni”? Is it similar to the “schlemiel/schlimazel” dichotomy?

What about ‘fuckwit’? Is ‘fuckwit’ an acceptable term?

I thought as a kid that before color video, the whole world was in black and white. Not just movies.

I was 10, which means my older sister was 13. I saw her and mom in the bathroom together a lot. And I was all WTF is this about? And more importantly, what am I missing out on?

For some weird reason, my father told me that if you cut off your belly button, your butt would fall off. This fucking fascinated me, and I would spent way too much time thinking about what the inner workings of the human body could possibly be to make sure a thing happen.