
Depends on how high the voter turnout is among people in their 20s. There’s enough of us who lean left that if we showed up to the polls en masse we could easily turn some red states purple or blue. If the majority of us stay home it’ll be Brexit II: Red White and Boogaloo

Pence would be in charge of all domestic and foreign policy while Trump focuses on making America great again.

It’s OK. You were just one of the lucky few that day.

I’m surprised no one picked up on the Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer. Makes sense that a kid whose dad shot JFK woulda turned out to be a psycho.

Mr. Batman, can you explain why we should continue funneling millions into R&D and production of the tools you use to wage a one man war on crime and corruption as opposed to investing that money in the human capital of our poorer citizens, making them far less likely to resort to crime and violence in the first

This is fantastic. What is it from?

The boot, you say?

It’s pretty entertaining to watch their antics from afar. God help you if you’re actually forced to interact with them, though.

That’s a long time to spend in labor.

How did you get the ~ over the ‘a’?

You don’t mean... Sao Paolo?!?!?!

Ah, like penguins jumping into the water or gazelles crossing a river, no one wants to be the first be eaten by a seal or a crocodile.

Ahh, the fun you can have with conspiracy theories!

Not to mention all the punk rockers sporting anarchy symbols or communist stars.

This reminds me of the time Target marketing figured out a teenage girl was pregnant and inadvertently told her father before she did by sending her coupons for baby stuff in the mail. Apparently buying lots of vitamins and unscented lotion lets them know you’re pregnant and it automatically triggers advertisements

How reliable could male birth control be? It seems it’d be much easier to stop one (maybe two) gametes than hundreds of millions.

Now playing

The Venture Bros already covered new Scooby Doo. Hell, the entire series could essentially be Future Quest.

This sounds interesting. The OJ trial was before my time, but I remember reading that there was an interesting interplay between gender and racial dynamics on the jury. The prosecutor filled the jury with women, thinking they’d be sympathetic to the narrative of domestic abuse. The defense let the jury be filled with

To paraphrase a common feminist idea:

The existence and content of #AllLivesMatter is the basis of the need for #BlackLivesMatter