Winning love by daylight.
Winning love by daylight.
Whiskey Rebellion Part 2: Redneck Boogaloo
Amazing what happens when you base your early economy on beavers instead of racism.
Does anyone else find it strange that the DOJ only got involved in Ferguson, Baltimore, and Chicago after a case of blatant police misconduct came to light? Shouldn’t there be (or at least scheduled) regular, periodic reviews of police departments by an outside agency like there are for restaurants?
Never listed to TAL, but I LOVE snap-judgement. Not only is the story telling great, but it’s interesting to see how different people from all walks of life deal with and view similar issues (the theme varies from week to week).
I think we all know the carrots and onions are doing the heavy lifting in that combo. Celery is bringing 15% to the table. 20% tops.
You can have my tacos, my nigiri, and my penang curry when you pry them from my cold, dead hands!
If not for that still shot, I would not have noticed that was in fact Cumberbatch. There’s another reason to go see it.
Pretty much the way it started. (Venture Bros S1E9 “Are You There God? It’s Me, Dean”)
Yeah, but then you can’t say, “I brought you into this world, I can damn sure take you out of it!” when the kid starts acting up. Also no, “I carried you for 9 months, went through X hours of labor, and this is the thanks I get?” guilt trips.
That certainly explains the crisis actor conspiracy theory.
Illuminati Kale is my favorite.
Why not just delete them all together?
Just watch out for his possessive, MMA fighting wife Octavia.
New Zealand is where it’s at. Nothing much happens there (occasional earthquakes), some 70% of the power is provided by geothermal, and they have a generous social safety net. Vegemite/marmite may take some getting used to though.
Calling it now: Illuminati Kale is the new Monogramed Thermoses.
If they bought him another ice cream, it’s a funny, light-hearted prank. If they didn’t, that’s a straight up dick move.
Presidential elections are going to be even more entertaining in the next 30 to 40 yrs.