Did anyone else hear Neil deGrasse Tyson's voice?
Did anyone else hear Neil deGrasse Tyson's voice?
If you’re not changing the physical and/or chemical properties of a food by applying heat, you’re not cooking. Although you could be fermenting.
Shouldn’t Bulma be teaching us about science instead of Goku?
Genuinely curious: Pagan is an old term with a lot of history. What pantheons, gods/goddesses, etc. are included in modern day paganism? Is it a catch-all for anything not judeo-christian or is the scope more limitied?
Wouldn’t the traditions of the state of Iowa be more the traditions of... whichever Native American tribes lived there before white people?
I think it’d be pretty damn cool having someone literally cower in fear before me. Mwahahahahaha!
As usual, Broad City has all the answers
Real life version of this? No thank you.
Abandon the Hypnotoad! All glory to Ka!
Beat me to it.
There's more to this, right?
Dammit Pinkham, you ordered this wrong! You can't start out with an uplifting story about the movie theater worker getting her rightful retribution and then have all of the following stories being about workers getting demeaned without any recourse. Best for last, happy endings and all that.
Definitely interested in seeing what Supes would be like having had a different upbringing (have other writers worked with this idea?). Wonder Woman (who totally looks like Hawkgirl w/o the wings) being married to Orion and Batman being a vampire, not so much. Half of Batman's appeal is that he's just a normal dude.
Did that with a super soaker. Good times.
Does a flamethrower count? B/c a friend and I totally made one out of a super soaker. Fully functional. No injuries to either of us.
I’ve heard Ted Cruz is Canadian. I can’t imagine donors giving millions to his campaign knowing he is ineligible for presidency. I’ve also heard of Americans living in rural areas near the Canadian border giving birth in Canada b/c that’s where the closest hospital was and the child being considered American. Is that…
I know we're all concerned about what's become of Woodhouse, but does anyone else wonder what happened to Trinette and the Wee Baby Seamus? Or how cool it would be if Seamus and AJ hung out as toddlers?
My theory is that the pope is in a coma. Since the church can't function without a pope, the higher ups decide to not tell anyone about the real pope being comatose and instead recruit Woodhouse to fill in for his holiness. Hijinks ensue as Vatican officials try to guide a heroin addict with little to no knowledge of…