Esmerelda Foofypants

It’s an acronym, for “light-absorbing zeta-particle energy rotation.” Duh.

Thanks for the feedback, Eatmeslowly.

Yes, it’s “lazer.”

You’re right, spelled just like the tazer.

The only way an animal could look like Trump is if it came back to life and dug its way out of the box buried in the garden.

Is anyone else sick of seeing him talk about his stupid dick all the time? Or his commenting on EVERY. SINGLE. POST? Or responding to every single comment to drive his stupid threads to the top of the page? Or jumping into everyone’s conversations with his useless opinions?

I’ve always heard the Jez writers are trigger happy.

It’s every goddamn day with this one.

I was coming here to say this exactly. Men taking selfies after being encouraged to = a real super fan trying to participate in the game activities. Women taking selfies after being encouraged to = vapid, vain, self-involved idiots, probably just at the game to flirt and ogle players.

See? THAT is how you respond to an Internet shaming.

Never more have I wished for a science fiction laser I could zap and just transfer unwanted pregnancies to these people. We could call it lateral-pregbortion. It’s only a 9 month inconvenience, I’m sure they’re 100% willing to put up with the sudden imposition if it means saving a fetus. Then they can put it up for

It’s a hobby and a skill like any other. If someone wants to spend that time that way, why judge? And why go to such lengths to put people down for it?

I really, really wish Amber Rose and Blac Chyna would just date each other, if they aren’t already.

Well there goes my idea for a business that turns dead cat parts into bespoke sex toys. I had an Etsy store set up and everything.

That was an attempt at humor? Ouch. Day job, keep it.

Booo. BOOOOOOO. Bad. Bad commenter.

If you ever run into Bryan Cranston Bobby, I think you should just reach over and rub his belly and give him a smile and a wink.

I think Tay said it best herself.