Esmerelda Foofypants

He’s wonderful and everything he does is even funnier if you pretend that he’s Bizarro World Will Gardner. His character meshes so hilariously well with Will Gardner that I wonder if the writers were amusing themselves with this exact concept.

I accidentally hit the Amazon “Add to Wish List” button on my browser while reading this article, and I strongly disagree with Amazon’s price for Tom Hiddleston’s speech. $7.00 is far too high.

Oh that's excellent. BRB, texting my new name for my vagina to all my family and friends.

Well obviously “I would bust that pussy” isn’t sexy at all. He should have said “I would bust that meat wallet.” “Meat wallet” is universally recognized as the most sexiest vag euphemism in existence.

Sooooo much love for this comment. I wrote American Gothic fanfic before the organized concept of fanfic existed. I am old and also utterly unashamed that I wrote an entire novel about Sheriff Buck’s hotness in the days of geocities and pay-per-minute CompuServe.

You’re right, it was a shining paragon of truth, wholesomeness, and class back in the good old days of the Gay or Not Gay? feature.

They look like ghosts already. Those are the faces of the eternally haunted. They will be trapped by their trauma forever.

Yay! A place where I can babble into the void about how much I lovedlovedloved Ariana’s birthday unicorn getup! I was taking pictures of my computer with my phone and making idiotic squeaking sounds. Please oh please dress like a unicorn forever, Ariana.

Okay, now this is an interesting Kinja grudge.

There’s nothing like snapping “Go take a fucking Xanax” to demonstrate that you are the calm and controlled person in a fight.

I disagree about Eldritch, so we won’t see eye to eye about that.

Eldritch didn’t attack you. She was blunt, and now that I understand your mental state, I can see why you reacted poorly to bluntness. Still, you attacked her. You were aggressive to her. I and others were reacting to that.

Once I read your comments about how upset and fragile you are, I stopped responding to you. That said, the way you handled this from the start was odd and then extremely rude, and you're responsible for that.

Your brother sounds very interesting. I would like to donate to his gofundme.

Standing on a pedastool sounds very unsanitary. Llamaz should definitely get down before he or she gets E. coli.

This thread is so weird. Let’s pretend its performance art.

Hey, strangers, give me your money! How dare strangers question me!

Please submit responses to me that are 500 words in length at minimum.

I just think it's hilarious. And I'm a dick.