Esmerelda Foofypants

“We spoke to Jezebel, a popular Kardashian news site, on Twitter today...”

Can somebody explain what a “publisher” is in this context?

Sookie St. James, her character in Gilmore Girls.

Is this supposed to be some sort of adoring gaze? My dog looks at me like this when I put him in the bathtub.

They also apparently have too many mattresses.

Bad Blood didn’t even seem that revenge-y. As in, Taylor has been pretty forward about feuds before (“she’s better known for the things that she’s done on the matttttreess!”) and that song sounded to me like: “Hey relate to this song! We’ve all been hurt and mad! Vague lyrics that can apply to everyone!”

I’m pretty sure that this is just a game they play to keep John amused in his doddering old age. Like bingo at the retirement home, but for rich people.

And will Mayer sing on this recording? And will he sound like he’s holding the tip of his tongue between his index finger and his thumb? God, I hate the sound of his voice.

You got mines? Good luck trying to get those past security.

A 43 year old essay? Obviously a reason to totally discredit a candidate. Days old support for a pedophile? Well, that’s just an expression of religious freedom.

I’m already on a GIF rampage, so obligatory:

Yeah, I’m not sure how enlisting a 37 year old man to kiss and tell on a girl he dated when she was 18 is a power move for Katy. They are both just gross here! Any Bad Blood video empathy I felt for her is turning more and more into schadenfreude.

I agree. She's going to be wiping her tears with $100 dollar bills

Taylor Swift has chunks of Katy Perry in her shit. I predict this will not go well for KP.

...Is Taylor Swift even aware she’s in a feud with Katy Perry? This seems...kind of one sided....

If the worst experience of your life is co-hosting a show where people sing for you, clearly you have lead a very blessed life indeed.

Katy. Honey.

I don’t really understand all the excessive hate for Buzzfeed on here lately. It’s not like they offered $10k to buy untouched Vogue photos of Lena Dunham or as if they took cheap shots at Amy Pascal’s private online purchases. Don’t worry, Jez, no one is muscling in on you.

The best picture from that North West outing needs to become a meme or something, right now! Of course being born into the Kardashian Kingdom of Krazziness leads to mastering the over-this-bitch face from a very young age.