Dear conservative religious people: fuck you, forever. You are a cancer upon humanity. And the megalomaniacal politicians who pander to to these ignorant turkeys? You are sub-human harbingers of our own masturbatory self-destruction.
Dear conservative religious people: fuck you, forever. You are a cancer upon humanity. And the megalomaniacal politicians who pander to to these ignorant turkeys? You are sub-human harbingers of our own masturbatory self-destruction.
I can only sleep on a bed made of whipped cream, so I get it.
I’m convinced Jesus is real, because there is no way double sided sticky tape is that powerful. That tape had some footprint on the sand moments where sometimes they were both holding kim’s boobs, and sometimes the tape faltered, and that's when Jesus carried Kim's boobs.
Josh’s statement is all about him and the consequences to his life if he kept assaulting his own sisters. Jim Bob & Michelle’s is all about forgiveness for themselves. I have to wonder what kind of consequences the affected Duggar sisters will face, and how much forgiveness they’ll get for their supposed “sins.” That…
Whenever I see her or Anita Sarkeesian’s name in the news, I get this queasy feeling in my stomach. The vitriolic reaction to them and anyone who dares agree with them is sickening.
From the link:
Purity culture is a part of rape culture.
If you read the report, you can clearly see that the victims were his sisters. Jim bob and Michelle are named as the victims parents
I’m pretty sure its Jia lol. You know, the thing is even if the author isn’t white, the repercussions for a POC would always be so much worse and SO MUCH MORE scary. The writer is a fool, above all. Nah man plenty of ‘Whites feeling bad about Third World Browns’ shit on this blog. Like that lady Nomadikat who used to…
The graphic artist for Jez deserves a fucking award. I’m really impressed by the visuals for the last couple articles.
Her first studio album is one of my favorite records to come out of the entire 90s. I can listen to that sucker anytime, anywhere.
Agreed. I went from full hatred of Tay to an absolute stan. It makes me hate myself, so I just drink til I black out.
If loving T Swift is wrong, I don’t want to be right..
Only this had a more coherent plot than Sucker Punch.
Yes. The eye make-up was the highlight. If only I could pull off a cat eye...
Loved it so many gifs can be reaped from this! The shot of Mariska and Ellen alone was worth my time
I just now noticed that that must’ve been the intended message of the video to Katy Perry: “I can get half the women in the industry to be in a video that is essentially a middle finger to you, just by asking. Everyone is on my side…BITCH!”
What the fuck are they wearing? What the fuck were they thinking when they planned this shot? HE’S RUNNING FOR ANOTHER OFFICE?