Esmerelda Foofypants

This is me, too. I estimate I probably only remember a quarter of the events most people do, if that. I hate interview questions that ask me to ‘tell them about a time when...’ because I just don’t remember. I normally just make something up that follows my personal rules of behavior. Oddly enough, though, I have an

It’s not because I don’t care, but I just do not remember

THAT. IS. TREMENDOUS. It’s like a cross between a miss america essay question answer and a monologue from Mean Girls

The fact he deleted them and so promptly is the icing on the cake. He knows he's waaay in the wrong and he could have easily squashed the whole thing with a simple post "hey guys I used to be a bigot and sexist but that's not me anymore, I've done some growing since then." But instead he just pulls a scorched earth

No. No it is not what you said in the this post.
It’s quite a different point than your post. Your post talks about her hiding her true feelings (down-ass-bitch), and working her way up the ladder at Fox by duping them (Erin Gloria Ryan’s point). You never mention how cynically pro- “whatever Kelly’s demographic is”

If u watch the first 5 seconds of the Rihcaprio video Rihanna is hugging someone and then shoves them out of the way for her cake, like, "get out of my way, there's cake"


I would have stuck my fingers in my vagina and painted fuck you with period blood on the wall, but I'm an animal.

If you look closely, she's in her right boot.

Don't think I didn't see you edit and re-edit this post to deal with your hilarious typos, good buddy!

It really sucks that gay male sexuality is still seen as something of a joke, some kind of humiliation or punchline.

Straight woman here. Didn't find this funny at all. Kind of pissed me off to be honest.

Wow, gay hookup apps are full of homosexuals giving voice to all their reptile-brain boner feelings?! INCISIVE COMEDY ALERT.

I have such a huge crush on her. I want us to be best friends and drink martinis together and talk crap about our exes. I would even be willing to hang with Chelsea Handler too if it meant being BFF with JA, and I would greet Chelsea with pursed lips and effusively compliment her shoes because I'm trying not to give

If I were the kind of guy that named his penis, it would now be named Meat Force One.

Maybe he lives in the shrimp dimension.

Anyone else play the game where when a headline makes you go, "What the...!", you look to see if Mark wrote it?

Its not about not wanting to see it, but I don't like his motives - he always presents anything with this touch of "shock! horror!"...um yeah whatever..

Mark, why do you always seem to post stuff like this? Animal porn?

let me understand: your sole purpose as a writer is to write about sex, and this as "scandalous" as possible? Is animal suffering really just some way for you to shock/entertain?