Esmerelda Foofypants

It made me cry, too. I'll add kittens to my list of youtube subjects I can't watch at work because of tearz. This list also includes marching bands, acapella groups, and any rendition of "Let It Go."

She wasn't in the wall. She'd slipped back into her native tenth dimension for further instructions and training, as all cats do from time to time.

Here is an article about hysterical, ignorant Guineans attacking medical workers, thus exacerbating the ebola crisis by attacking health workers:

Do you actually fuck spaghetti?

Nope, definitely not crying at work right now, not at all.

Remarkable, Empress Foofy. I am a confirmed believer in loving spirits helping us. Talk to your dad. He'll show up when you really need him :)

Hugs! To you, your Dad, and the photographer. I'm so glad you found it.

My husband is out of town too! I was reading this last night on my ipad. I was going to bed and turning off lights. I stood there reading some godawful story and suddenly the lights went out. I was so scared and tried to figure out who the fuck turned my lights off! Then I realize my hand was on the wall and I had

That's some next level creepy shit.

Some guy did this to me in costume at a haunted farm thing i went to once, and i couldn't explain to my husband how awful it felt, just to be a woman alone with someone staring at you and not saying anything. something about the not talking was just really upsetting, and we ended up leaving. thanks for posting, i feel

For reference, I found Sorcia McNasty's story on the web. It's terrifying.


My four year old son tells me all the time about when "he was the mommy" and I grew in his tummy. He tells me I was a difficult baby: "Mama, you cried a lot and I had to feed you. You cried ALL THE TIME." Oddly enough, as a baby, I was severely colicky. He tells me that next time he gets to be the mommy again, and

There are two things to remember about this tragedy:

You love those ignorant, priveleged spoiled Smith childeren? You are the first person I have ever heard say that about those two self-important brats.

Seymour is the least scary name for a ghost I think i've ever heard.

Do you think it's a past life or temporary possession?

This isn't that scary, it's a bit sad even. But it is my story, for real!

Is this the part where we kiss?