Esmerelda Foofypants

IT IS NOT. NOT AT ALL. Not safe for work, home, car, airport or anywhere except the bowels of hell.

My flag is of a parent throwing money at child while looking at an iPhone. It's the most accurate of flags.

Gah! Why don't they just go ahead and call themselves Crapitat for Pewwwmanity?

Icky feelings? Icky feelings? The knowledge that many women lost their lives in horrible tortuous ways in that house leaves me with more than icky feelings.

Only uses lowercase letters in her name? Is reading a book on artisanal cheese making? Wears furry hats a lot? I have so many follow-up questions now.

I don't know who has a bigger boogeyman, Jezzies with their fear the MRA's will show up in the comment section, or Deadspin/Gawker commenters with the same fear about Jezebel commenters.

When I was a model in Paris, France, in the 1930s, Marc Jacobs was constantly pawing me.

I love you and I believe you and I hope Marc Jacobs tries to run for president of the Bermuda Triangle. Then he can disappear forever and his cosmetics will probably go on sale.

Stoner Kitty Laughing is going to be my favourite gif for a while. Thanks!

Thank you. I felt like I'd missed something. Something felonious.

I need to learn how to laugh at these things. I am too often stunned into silence.

You're delusional. She said nothing about the vast majority of readers. She said she had problem with the company and what they choose to write about and with the trolls that found her. All she said was that Jezebel has some trolls, which we all know is true. If you do NOT fit in the overlap between "Jezebel

Yo, I don't care about this discussion either way, but I'm mostly amazed at the mental gymnastics it took you to somehow think that she said that somehow you were sending her rape threats. You, specifically. Holy hell. How did you get there?

I find it pretty ridiculous that you're getting piled on like this, especially by this "MarkPaulGossipmore" type that seems to be expressing all this "concern" for how you should be productively spending your time (LOL). It's unfortunate that you felt the need to write these long screeds to explain yourself. You

Two points;

Listen up, Catalano. Some of us just fall down. We just do. So take your highlights and your reliable center of gravity and go piss on someone else's cornflakes.

Exactly. I remember when she blasted Gaga for the religious imagery in her "Alejandro" video, calling it the "cheap." As opposed to the sophisticated imagery of whipped cream bukkake boobs, I suppose.

Tiffany Pollard (aka New York) is the best thing to come out of Flavor of Love. At least once a day, I think something New York said and hear it in my mind IN HER VOICE. She is hilarious and a star and I wish she were in more things.

For better or worse, this show revolutionized reality television. Hard to state just how huge this was when it came out.