Esmerelda Foofypants

This is REAL bullying. That's why it pisses me off. We only have Hale's word and she's so far from reliable it's almost funny. A lot of people seemingly dream of attacking people for "mean" remarks.

I saw that Mulaney defended it (Hale's article)... I know nothing about him except that he looks like a really immature guy I know and that he made a sexist joke in the Hulu commercial about his sitcom (parpahrasing: "you can't have Oceans 11 with just women; two of them would always break off to gossip about the

I've spent some time reading up on this but am not completely up to speed (it's like gamergate for goodreads!) and I think I read the actual review that set her off and it wasn't that bad? Or did I read an excerpt/edit? I don't remember it being so harsh. Even if it was, dang, this is so over the top.

I can see at LEAST five indictable offences just in the narrative. Hale is dangerous and clearly mentally deranged. Why on earth she would do this is beyond me. What makes it more baffling is that she would then write an article about it — what on earth did she expect would happen? Now the entire world knows she's

A quick google reveals that Hale seems to be making a career oversharing details of her life in which she's either been a victim or an aggressor — it seems to be a theme with her. There's another long piece in the Guardian where she writes about her sexual assault. I guess every generation gets the Elizabeth Wurtzel

Some people will instinctively defend members of their gender/race/Religion/Political Party without question.

When men act like this, nobody wonders which "side" to be on.

Love me some Jenny Trout. The only reason I'm looking forward to being inundated with 50 Shades stuff next year is that she kills it on all things related. Her recaps are amazing, and if her review of the first trailer is any indication I can't wait to see what she does with the movies.

I don't understand EGR's balancing here either. Hale's behavior certainly meets the legal definition of stalking. So what if the reviewer said mean things about her book.

Yeah, Sarah Weinman!!! She who defended her crazy boyfriend's misogynist rants and threats. Ironically, also Emily Gould, target of said rants. The NY literary scene is a tiny little world. Fortunately to make it in YA, you have to reach people who aren't in your circle jerk.

Yay, my thoughts to a tee! If a man did this he'd be strung up by the shorthairs. If you can't handle criticism, don't write, simple as that.

In what way did the content of the review not match the book? Just because Hale doesn't understand that statuatory rape is, in fact, rape, does not make Harris' review incorrect.

When we call Hale's actions stalking, we're just interrogating reality from the wrong perspective.

Same. This blog posted an entry with more information that makes Blythe's behavior seem much less awful than Hale makes it out to be.

It seems like all aspects of this saga are made up by Ms Hale. Has anyone found evidence or an account of her assault from a source other than herself?

Yeah, the very fact that her second piece was in The Guardian certainly wraps it up in the kind of legitimacy one doesn't normally get from stalking confessions (although The Atlantic recently ran a piece on a woman who stalked her therapist). As I was reading I kept thinking that I was missing something but no. She's

I love you.

Someday she is going to go after the wrong lady and have her ass handed to her.

Well, quick point of interest - Blyhe Harris, whoever she is, WAS reviewing books, which is why she got free ARCs sent to her. She may not have been a twenty-something teacher but unless she had a whole website devoted to "A Twenty-Something Teacher Tells You Which Books To Read" she wasn't really doing anything

"The only evidence against 'Blythe' is coming from Hale."