Esmerelda Foofypants

Seriously, who gives a crap? A few weeks ago I had a really bad first day of heavy bleeding and not-being-able-to-get-out-of-foetal-position cramping so I sent my bf to buy my supplies of pads/tampons and being the planet lover he is, carried the box in his hand instead of wasting a shopping bag for it. He said a

Ugh alright ready, I understand that some stories come from Reddit and they're interesting— but I mean that doesn't mean you can't find other stories elsewhere. For the record - Mark seems to do this WAY more than anyone else and it just seems lazy.

Well if you're down for trying, my giant sausage-like fingers are available for rental.

If it makes you feel better, people used to gather in stadiums and watch other people kill each other for sport.

If you think Suri Cruise was created to backup an image of a sham-marriage, you're not looking deep enough. Suri Cruise was created for one thing and one thing only: world domination. She is the force that will align the rebels and bring the revolution.

IT IS NOT. NOT AT ALL. Not safe for work, home, car, airport or anywhere except the bowels of hell.

My flag is of a parent throwing money at child while looking at an iPhone. It's the most accurate of flags.

Gah! Why don't they just go ahead and call themselves Crapitat for Pewwwmanity?

Icky feelings? Icky feelings? The knowledge that many women lost their lives in horrible tortuous ways in that house leaves me with more than icky feelings.

Only uses lowercase letters in her name? Is reading a book on artisanal cheese making? Wears furry hats a lot? I have so many follow-up questions now.

I don't know who has a bigger boogeyman, Jezzies with their fear the MRA's will show up in the comment section, or Deadspin/Gawker commenters with the same fear about Jezebel commenters.

Oh I love it when people try to pull the "I have autistic children so I'm an expert" card. I can beat that. I WAS an autistic child. I outrank you.

When I was a model in Paris, France, in the 1930s, Marc Jacobs was constantly pawing me.

I love you and I believe you and I hope Marc Jacobs tries to run for president of the Bermuda Triangle. Then he can disappear forever and his cosmetics will probably go on sale.

Stoner Kitty Laughing is going to be my favourite gif for a while. Thanks!

Thank you. I felt like I'd missed something. Something felonious.

I need to learn how to laugh at these things. I am too often stunned into silence.

You're delusional. She said nothing about the vast majority of readers. She said she had problem with the company and what they choose to write about and with the trolls that found her. All she said was that Jezebel has some trolls, which we all know is true. If you do NOT fit in the overlap between "Jezebel