Esmerelda Foofypants

Two points;

Listen up, Catalano. Some of us just fall down. We just do. So take your highlights and your reliable center of gravity and go piss on someone else's cornflakes.

Exactly. I remember when she blasted Gaga for the religious imagery in her "Alejandro" video, calling it the "cheap." As opposed to the sophisticated imagery of whipped cream bukkake boobs, I suppose.

Tiffany Pollard (aka New York) is the best thing to come out of Flavor of Love. At least once a day, I think something New York said and hear it in my mind IN HER VOICE. She is hilarious and a star and I wish she were in more things.

For better or worse, this show revolutionized reality television. Hard to state just how huge this was when it came out.

Thank you for sharing this. It really puts things into perspective.

I am guessing it depends on the counselor you are given. I could still work. It was just terribly difficult. There is no cure for amd so at some point I am guessing I'll go blind or at least legally blind. I don't know if that fed into it or what.

Thank you for sharing that. I knew a woman who couldn't sit for other reasons (she also couldn't stand up for very long), but I never thought about a situation like yours. I hope you continue to recover. I think I would be so frustrated by such a situation.

Holy moley! I want to give you a giant hug. ((((Empress Foofypants)))))

I know! Who actually has the ability to do this? Don't a vast majority of people sit at work? Do you eat on your stomach? This sounds like torture.

No sitting will be permitted for the first ten days

So this isn't a cosmetic surgery, but ever since middle school I've wanted to get laser eye surgery. My eyesight is reaaaally bad, to the point where I'm nearly legally blind.

OMG! You mean, they're remaking Annie with black people and the world ISN'T ending? WHO KNEW?!?!

My sister just texted me "Hi darl, thinking of your face," so thanks for this. Thanks very very much.

You seem to be saying that it's just you writing your blog when somebody criticizes your opinion, but then you say that it's Official Gawker Writing... look, I just get the impression that this whole system of random sub-blogs is being handled altogether incompetently by Gawker and/or Jezebel, but if you're getting

Just a suggestion, if you want this page to succeed, you really may want to significantly reduce the number of replies you make in the comments. I haven't poked around the rest of ROYGBIV (WTF is up with that name anyway?) to know if you do that on every article or if it's just happening here, but if the whole site

OK, that last line is total BS and you know it. Secondly, you have GT powers of banning/accepting/posting privileges or whatever you want to call it. Last time I called you out on some eye-rolling nonsense, my posting privileges magically went away over there. Care to explain?

Because, unsurprisingly, the writer comes from GT where she is some sort of venerated God-like person — and whenever people disagree with her, or call her out on her bullshit, they get banned/greyed/dismissed/attacked. This isn't the first eye rolling nonsense written by this author, and I suspect it won't be the

As someone who has helped run a local LGBT clinic, I want to voice my opinion.
When I watched the movie, I felt that the movie was able to capture bits and pieces of the problems faced by different trans-gender men or women. Of course, we didn't live in their shoes and we can't judge how "accurately" it portrays the