And as you ran off he would be left with the most devastating, yet adorable look of confusion that might turn you into a pillar of salt if you were to look back at it.
And as you ran off he would be left with the most devastating, yet adorable look of confusion that might turn you into a pillar of salt if you were to look back at it.
It was Prince Charles he had to refrain from nutting. Thank you for this reminder, I love knowing that Sir Stewart is a Spider Jerusalem fan!
Giddy? I don't think I'd last long enough to be giddy before I passed out, preferably in his arms.
I'd probably emit a high-pitched dolphin sort of noise before spontaneously combusting.
He was here last week presenting a DJ session at a bar/club I go to semi-regularly.
Reminds me of Patrick Stewart's description of having to suppress the urge to headbut the Queen while he was being knighted.
I loved how upset she was that the Salem witches had to travel south without a charcuterie platter or a bidet.
i...i love you.
Awwww, it's the brain-damaged puppy of basic cable!
Or you're banging someone who's already dead.
Those gloves! I covet. But I cannot justify the decadent luxury. They have to be custom-made for every buyer, and it's slightly more than I spend on auto insurance. So the same amount could, y'know, go to things like auto insurance!
Myrtle was on fire last night! Did else anyone catch Myrtle's line to Fiona about (I think) Madison? It was something like: "She reminds me a lot me a lot of you at that age— fit as a pin with a bad case of the me-me-me's"
Well done, Madeleine, that line was actually better than the entire episode I'd patiently waited TWO whole weeks for! Disappointing, Murphy, you better be back on your game next week.
At this point in the past two seasons, I became completely uninvested in the shows and their characters... this episode makes me pretty sure by the end of this season I will also not give a fuck. This makes me sad because I had really been liking Coven so far.
I was waiting for this post all day because I was hoping you saw something more interesting in the episode than I did, but it sounds like we both wound up bored/drunk/disappointed. Sigh.