Why has no one mentioned the fireplace in the bathroom!? They have a fireplace! IN the bathroom! 1,000 points to the fireplace!
Why has no one mentioned the fireplace in the bathroom!? They have a fireplace! IN the bathroom! 1,000 points to the fireplace!
I am really enjoying this season but I'm also really frustrated by it. I have no idea whether they will end up wrapping all the loose plot ends, but it's a little annoying when something happens that makes you go "OH SNAP, this is getting good!"... and then they just sort of abandon it. Like Misty and her power of…
Are we not going to discuss the size of the arsenal that Cordelia's husband is assembling? Also, whether or not it'll actually be needed against powerful witches?
Did anyone else besides me think that the Kyle flashback was showing that he remembers a lot of his life, but his brain doesn't allow him the ability to communicate and his tantrums all evolve out of that frustration and the confusion of why he exists and how he exists with his friends body parts? Also, spell for him…
Oh, and the supremes from the flashbacks and the stuff with Madison, seem to just acquire new skills, in their youth, on their own and or suck them out of the old supremes. I think witch lessons would be boring on this show and would require a spin off, Witch U. show
Where the hell was Nan in this episode!? NAN I MISS YOU!
Not bored; intrigued. They put him in there for a reason. Is he really into Fiona? Or is he going to try to get the Supreme to kill herself and all those other wyatches in some kind of revenge scheme? Also the super creepy pedophile ghost is John Huston's son and Angelica Huston's brother. Points for that business,…
DEAD PERSON THREESOME!!! That was fucking BOSS! Also, I was starting to like LaLaurie. I felt like she was realizing what she did was wrong, especially after the daughter-zombie fiasco the week before. I feel like Queenie kind of regretted taking her to the voudon. But never regret that tiger sweater <3
Hey, not appreciating the saxophone hate.
I know she's not a witch, but like 100,000,000,000 points to Kathy Bates in real life for making me actually feel bad for a resurrected racist torturing slave owner babykiller. I was like really upset at the end, and it disturbed me.
I don't want this season to ever end.
I thought she was using that fancy book she got last week to find out the spells, effectiveness is probably based on the strength of her powers?
I'll give the Axeman credit for integrating "embouchure" into his seduction speech (it's a relevant selling point, I guess). The amateur musician in me approves.
I had a feeling a creepy three-way was in order this season. And, okay, I admit, I totally missed Madison. But seriously, how does one go from uncoordinated, sexually traumatized baby Frankenstein to furiously banging up against a wardrobe. I knew something was going to happen, just not THAT. I guess I was just a bit…
I am sad that Spalding is dead. It's probably because I love Denis O'Hare and miss him terribly on True Blood. I don't like Zoe as it is, and this made it worse.
I'm pretty sure that Kyle's mom liked Toto. **shudder**