Frankenboyfriend is totally Rocky from Rocky Horror and he got it on with everybody. Plus, I think that makes Zoe Frankenfurter, and he would rock a pair of leather overalls. With pearls.
Frankenboyfriend is totally Rocky from Rocky Horror and he got it on with everybody. Plus, I think that makes Zoe Frankenfurter, and he would rock a pair of leather overalls. With pearls.
How I read this article:
The more I read this, and as shady as some details seem (especially the Mom-Monjack business), I'm starting to think that it was the combination of chemicals in her body and in her environment that caused the problem rather than the amount. There are a lot of articles now about how people need to watch their Tylenol…
This made me SO incredibly sad when she died. There was always suspicion about the cause of death, though like the father said, it was always assumed that it was some form of addiction or mental illness of hers that provoked it.
I like how she wears both flattering and unflattering outfits and wigs/makeup/accessories.
Yesss! The entire album this song is off (revolutionary vol. 2) is all pure gold.
She is an asshole, from what I've heard. A complete and total asshole. Ask anyone who has ever worked with, for, or near her. She is legendary for her awfulness. I worked for a non-profit on the board of which she served for many years. I won't name the org specifically, but it used to be a "museum" and now it's…
Seriously. Jezzie-style "feminists" fiercely police the boundaries of their smug snarky liberal echo chamber, and then insist out the other side of their mouths that feminism is "just believing men and women are equal", which certainly should be a broad enough definition to include women like Miley Cyrus. Oh yeah, and…
It is kind of hilarious watching Jez frantically try to redraw the lines of feminism so only women they personally approve of are included. I'm pretty sure Miley should get a pass based on that stupid quiz they posted the other day, but OMGTWERKINGROBINTHICKEBLAHBLAHBLAH.
Considering how bad she is at dealing with the issues of women of color, I would say that Miley Cyrus is already pretty good at feminism.
It's like the Care Bears and the Night Before Christmas got into a fight and then farted out a make up song.
Do any Jezzies have loved ones with Parkinson's? I just read Ryan Reynold's whole thing about running the NYC marathon for his dad and found it so inspiring. My dad was diagnosed this year and I'd love to talk to other people about it. At this point it's sunk in but it's hard to know that we won't know what to expect…
Tripped in a puddle? Yeah, okay. More like he owed his crack dealer money and was punched in the face.
See you all in the July 24, 2043 P.M. Edition of Dirt Bag when the truth will be disclosed.
No need to listen to the clip — let me sum up every Howard Stern interview with any woman ever.
I listened to part of Gaga's interivew today. It was pretty typical. She did go into a bit about her drug and alchohol abuse which I found interesting. She also discussed her falling out with the "tool of all tools" Perez (he turned on her during a recorded interview). Stern made the standard remarks about her body.…
I'm not "speculating" about him not being clean. I'm PREDICTING he was higher than Rob Ford in a hot air balloon. This dude's many addictions have been Hollywood's worst-kept secret for a long ass time now. Stans hate away.
Don't all pop artists pander to a demographic to make money? Isn't that the entire business model of being a pop star? How is LG any different that Katy Perry, Jay-Z, Rihanna, One Direction, etc.?
"She still has the whole problem with "pandering to an entire demographic of people in order to make money'....
Unfortunately, no. That's not the way the publishing industry in this country works. Lady Gaga would have said, "Put Malala on the cover instead," and Conde Nast would have said, "LOLLOLOLOLLOLOL k bye. What's Miley Cyrus doing?"