Oh, Miley, you give a million Fs. Please.
I feel like the poor soul who did this was trying desperately to channel Michelle Obama but completely forgot that not all black women look the same OR require the same photoshop presets as white women.
She is super cute but looks world-weary already. I hope that despite her parents, she's a smart kid who sees how ridiculous they are. "...ugh, and then dad pouted for 40 minutes because he wanted mom to use the bubblegum floss but she insists that she prefers wintergreen. And then grandma called to say she was sending…
JESUS CHRIST ON A PIECE OF TOAST!!! That illustration of Peter Pan is GRADE A CREEPY!!
But the rest of the illustrations make me think...I maybe just became a gay man...?
So this the fabled 'dog side of the force'.*
I spent the past two weekends grading 100 bad undergraduate papers and just had minor PTSD. Doug Barry writes exactly like most of them. The unnecessary adjectives, the overwrought, flowery prose, the long semi-run-on sentences, the inability to state anything simply and clearly. I actually contemplated bringing that…
It seems to me that when the smartest, sanest person in your life, and your Unlikely Voice of Reason, is Denise Richards, you have landed in a real world of shit.
Yeah, the brother has guardianship in Brooke's home = Brooke has the boys back and her brother comes by when there's a guardian check scheduled. You think her adult brother can drop his life to move into his sister's house and care for her kids full-time, for free? NOT.
My exact thoughts on season 2. The pacing for season 3 has actually been very nice, season 2 was just like pouring all that shit in there just for the fun of it.
Lindy, Douchtin Bieber is getting charged in BRAZIL, not Colombia. In Colombia the police actually ESCORTED him while he painted the wall and it created quite the outrage in the media because a boy had been recently shot by police for spray painting a wall. In protest, people just spray painted the whole place and…
I just came from doing my fantasy football team so I have soccer on the brain, everytime I see Abramovic I read it as Abramovich. So now in my head Roman Abramovich and Lady Gaga spent a week together locked in a house doing finger painting, performance art and braiding each others hair. He probably tried on her her…
Weed really is a miracle drug, I don't think being stoned 24 hours a day is a great idea but I have no real reason to think that way. I have found the one thing weed does not help with: shingles. It actually made me focus on the pain and itching more and I had the worst night of sleep in my life. It has helped me with…
-why isn't Charlie or his blood family taking care of the kids? I would think Martin Sheen and wife would be preferable to Brooke's brother. How does he get away with dogging her when he's not taking care of them, either? Just bc he has money to give Denise doesn't mean he's caring for them.
Remember when he was with…
Abramovich is the dale chiluly of performance art.
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