Esmerelda Foofypants

They somehow had and Evil Dead / Arm of Darkness reference AND a Plan 9 from Outer Space reference AT THE SAME TIME.

...And then it turned out that he has a general animism problem. I thought that was so fucking brilliant. It made him seem endearing in passing, but also totally set us up for his storyline.

Yeah, I wanna hear more about Queenie! I could see some problematic traits, but I like her and her power, so I am probably just ignoring some of the troublesome stuff.

This is exactly how I interpreted it. I don't think we know for sure if Myrtle was guilty or not. I would have expected an innocent woman to protest a little harder though, they seemed to jump to burning her awfully quickly on circumstantial evidence.

What's wrong with queenie?

Yeah, but he hardly came from a reputable breeder.

Fiona is not only bad-ass, she's powerful! I mean, bringing a dead baby back to life?? That's pretty potent stuff. Zoe is way too goody-goody to be of much use at this point. I LOVE Misty Day! Love her Stevie Nicks style. I feel sorry for her and hope she gets some inclusion in the coven.

If he was a warlock wouldn't he have suggested that he could help Cordelia conceive? Is he hoping they conceive an ultimate supreme witch baby? Or might that be why they can't conceive? And if he is just a sociopath, what kind of idiot marries a witch and thinks they can get away with shit like that?! I eagerly await

I've seen the actor that plays Cordelia's husband in a few things before, and he always seemed SUPER CREEPY to me. He's perfect for this role. He has like, black eyes. shudder.

I know it's not something that needs to be said, it's just KNOWN, but how freaking amazing is Jessica Lange?! I think the thing that I love most of all about her is that she is REPRESENTING for the older ladies, in an age where you are practically considered dead if you are a woman over 40, especially in Hollywood,

Are we not even considering Nan a possibility for supreme? She seemed the obvious choice until this episode and still could very well be the supreme. I'm betting that Fiona will kill a few more of her protegees on the assumption that it couldn't possibly be Nan.

I agree. However, I still assumed Fiona could somehow block Nan from reading her mind (she is the supreme!). And maybe Nan can't hear Cordelia's husband's thoughts because he's rarely home and when he is she's always wearing loud headphones. Or she doesn't want to embarrass her teacher. And maybe Spalding learned a

Sociopath is way too boring for AHS. My friend and I have a theory that he is possessed by a demon/is a demon, which is why he was drawn towards dark magic to get pregnant. We argue about whether the freaky snake sex awoke the demonic serial killer inside him, or whether he was possessed when that happened (which is

Well, she did try that in Season 1, and look how high-maintenance he was.

I can't decide if she's just oblivious or really sneaky. She's been all over the city and wreaking havoc with her new magic she knows nothing about, from killing rapists to resurrecting crushes, leaving really messy trails in her wake, but then she's just randomly shown to be chilling back at the school for whenever

Girl did good this week, although I am slightly concerned (SEXUALLY concerned) over where Kyle wandered off to.

I feel like that's kind of where they're going, albeit in a twisted way, and I usually appreciate that. However, I feel nothing but revulsion for her.

Yeezus help me.....even though she's an absolute monster who deserves everything she gets for what she's done...I'm warming up to LaLaurie.

This is my greatest fear. There are too many hints at redemption, and she doesn't get to be redeemed.

I could see them pulling it off, at least a lot better than the school shooter from season 1. I mean, she was stuck in the ground for over a century with nothing but her thoughts, some profound change must've come from that. People usually go mad from prolonged isolation, but she was crazy to begin with so who knows...