Esmerelda Foofypants

Anytime a girl gets to channel Ash from Army of Darkness, she wins. That should just be automatic.

I agree. Badness isn't always underhanded manipulation. It is when it's super intelligent and strategic, but in Fiona's case it's a little on the sloppy side (thanks, drugs) and shortsighted (Queenie can still out her.)

Yeah Murder Vagina tore it up!

I protest Nan receiving demerits for saving cute helpless boys and thereby GOING AFTER HERS even in the midst of a Zombie Swarm. Gettin' It Despite Revenants (whatever I know that doesn't work, I tried!!)

Specifically: Chainsawing zombie top-to-bottom, straight down the middle. WHEEEEE!!!

Oh! Good theory! Yeah I'm pretty sure it wasn't Myrtle. It's too easy. We will find out the truth soon.

Does Zoe get points deducted for that yet-to-be-resolved plot thread about her Frankenstein's monster bf with the incesty mom? Or just the writers?

I still have money on the table that it's one of Cordelia's husband's internet girlfriends. She is probably a redheaded plain faced white girl like the one we saw him kill. Myrtle Snow has red hair and Fiona wanted it to be Myrtle so she saw Myrtle.

This could be a case of Rashomon, with having Fiona as the unreliable, drugged-out narrator who THOUGHT she saw Myrtle Snow's face and red hair at the hospital. Remember, there was a woozy fisheye camera lens and blurred perspective on everything and anything that Fiona saw while stumbling around the hospital, looking

Why doesn't Queenie get any points? Why is she not even a contender?

Agreed. That was the most badass moment of the entire episode.

What, Myrtle gets no points for saying she'd rather burn than boil? She didn't even try to run away or talk the council out of her own burning. That's pretty badass in my book. And what about her xtreme cat eye glasses and awesome triangular hair?

Last nights episode actually scared me the way season 1 often did, so bravo to AHS Coven for stepping the eff up. I am loving this season!

Here's what I wrote over at Television Without Pity:

I'm confused about the framing thing. I know she framed her for the Madison thing but I thought Myrtle Snow actually did pour acid on Cordelia, as seen in a flashback from Fiona's mind when she was off them bath salts in the hospital? I thought they set up the acid on her hand thing because they didn't have proof that

Zoe's Witch Burnin' Hat was the shiznit. That is all.

Can I please come sit by you? You're cracking me up!

I would like to sign up for this publication, please.

My grandmother used to say that when you couldn't think of anything nice to say about a frightfully ugly baby, you said "Now THAT'S a baby!" Because then you don't have to lie when you're expected to say something.

All your babies are belong to ugly.