Esmerelda Foofypants

Are you kidding me? Why on earth did this make the news, even Fox news? Ugly babies exist. People make fun of them behind their parents' backs. People are not 100% nice all the time. This is a normal thing. What's next, a report about how some guy made fun of the way another guy threw a ball?

I believe what you are smelling is the distinct stench of someone apologizing not because they are sorry for doing it, but for getting caught.

Charisma Carpenter was a terrible actress who basically hasn't worked since. I don't 100% trust her story.

What world do you live in where you read my post, come up with a completely unfounded extrapolation from it, and post that response?

If she was on Kinja and got the Error 503 — Backend Unhealthy, she'd be like NOOOO, BUTT DEMONS.

Could this be ANY MORE PERFECT for this article though?

Whaaat? I'm going to tell my sister to put hers in a lockbox or something.

This whole thread has sent me straight to my happy place. ^_^

I used to have this on DVD and a coworker borrowed it years ago AND NOW IT'S REALLY HARD TO FIND A DVD COPY AND THE ONES YOU CAN FIND ARE LIKE $50.

So, I loved that book. I was really looking forward to the movie when I heard about it. Somehow I must have missed it in theaters - I figured maybe it was just a limited release? I didn't get to see it until it came out on DVD. So I rented it. Kept having weird deja vu for the first 20 minutes or so, until I

I will never understand why filmmakers do this. The book was so beautiful, but so obviously not adaptable to a visual format.

I remember not being able to put the book down, it was amazing. And the movie being so incredibly bad.

Right on! I so wanted the movie to live up to the book, which is a favorite of mine, but it just didn't.

I really liked the movie and have never read the book. How is the movie flawed? How is the book superior (besides the fact that the book is always better. I will not argue that point with you).

"Frieda used to be the oldest Lutheran in Minnesota, but now she's deader than a doornail! I keep telling them Shriners, 'Take down the gotdamned Frieda sign!' Lazy sons a bitches..."

Loretta is the BEST. "I got some!"

Please don't apologize, I fucking love this movie and every single line from it is insanely quotable. I have a hard time even picking a favorite line because they are all so good, but my top contenders are:


"Why dontcha hike up your skirt the a little more, there, honey."

My mother said that to me once, I swear to god. I was sixteen or seventeen. I had heard way worse than that before (Hi Catholic school! How are you? It's been so long!) from my peers and both of my parents.