Esmerelda Foofypants

That's why we Lutherans use grape Kool-Aid as the blood of Christ!

God, I love that movie.

And doncha ever stop, honey.

References to DDG are never inappropriate or over done. Also, if you hadn't I would have so...

Alabama, a-l-a-b-a-m-a. Alaska, a-l-a....

I don't like pants either, but it's better than sitting bare assed on a chair.

And not just rape, but rape babies. It's like a season isn't complete without at least one.

Mine is threatening to kill me if I even think it! Love my IG.

Thank you. That made my day!

The first time I put my dogs in shoes I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants. Your video made me relive that happy memory. Cute puppies too.

Yeessss~ Italian Greyhound owner roll call!

I admit I'm a little curious as to any wardrobe/makeup/general style changes she tries out. Her sense of self will evolve and while she certainly has distinct taste, it may develop more on its own too. But let's not count our chickens and whatnot :P

I hope she's going to be okay and so fucking glad she's away from

That was my first thought too.

I really enjoyed the second season, but I always said that the first season had this very strong emotional anchor in the family, particularly in the Connie Britton character. The second season didn't have that, but I felt that was appropriate since it was a different kind of story. The lack of that anchor was

WAY TO GO, COURTNEY!!!! I'll go bury love in the garden with her. Seriously, though that's very bad-ass and I'm so glad it finally happened for her. That is fantastic and I hope she continues gaining control over her own life.

Excellent move. I mean rilly rilly sexcellent!

Won't somebody please think of Dourtney??!

How can I even believe in true love now? How can I believe it's a rill thing?

I think Myrtle's gloves were leather, but ModCloth has a similar pair that may or may not already be in my cart.

I have this image of a sort of "book club" for ghosts where instead of discussing a book, the ghosts get together and swap stories about the people they made poop their pants that week.