
I really wish someone had pushed me to go to college. I just couldn't do that on my own, because like you, I was a know-it-all asshole. It took me 4 years to figure out I wasn't going to get anywhere doing what I was doing. By then, getting scholarships and such was just not in the cards for me and neither was

I tried explaining this to my wife. She thought "Oh well, we can just paint the cabinets over the weekend." Nope. She didn't believe me though. I said, go ahead and do what you want to a bathroom. So she did. She painted the cabinet with zero prep work. It looked good for about two months. Now the paint is flaking off

We strive to incorporate all the different methods of discipline. We use the 123 Timout. Extremely rare spankings, cause it usually never gets that far. I always make sure my little guy knows exactly what he did wrong and why he is being punished. I ALWAYS make him apologize to who ever he has wronged. Get a note sent

I have some friends in body shops. They tell me that a lot of how well a paint job turns out depends on prep work (sanding). They also tell me that when it is time for a car to go to paint, it goes, regardless of how well the prep work was done. I don't think all shops operate this way, but you could definitely save

We did this in Iraq. We had makeshift rooms made from 2x4's and light plywood, so this was much easier.

That's how it starts. You start with with thirty. Then you want to own a home cause you realize renting is throwing away money. Then you need way more than you thought you did to keep your house from falling apart. Then the kids come and all hell breaks loose. They suck up almost half your income before you can even

$75K/Yr is an excellent wage. Of course, it is all relative to where you live. For me, $90K would be just about perfect and would offset the higher cost of living associated with my area.

I just read the most ridiculous argument ever.

Had to have one for the security system. I hadn't had one in almost ten years so it was a little weird getting used to the whole thing again. I felt like a dummy.

This is a complete rip off of Stirling's Dies the Fire. I can't believe no one has noticed this yet.

I tried your method and the process completed but the operation timed out. What could cause that?

"Yet, there is no punishment for those who smoke, drink excessively, eat fast food daily and generally give little regards to their own health. Someone else picks up the tab."

Advanced detectable technology is not an explicit requirement for intelligent alien life forms. Look at Earth as an example. Some would argue that the rise of agriculture was the seed of modern (and technological) civilization. Cultures that have no need for agriculture, like native tribes in South America, have

+1 X 1 Million.

The ANW2 waveform rocks, best feature from that radio for sure. Thanks, Radioheadonist for helping make my life ten times easier when I was in Baghdad.

This is BS.

I wish it were this easy, my experience has been trouble. I think it has something to do with the computer I'm trying to use. It's a dual core athlon, can't remember the exact specs, but it ran XP just fine. I put Ubunto on it, then Linux Mint and I have had a lot of trouble with keyboard support for both USB and PS2

Yes, radio waves are reliable. I transmit via satellite a huge amount of bandwidth every day for my job. My error rate is incredibly low, like a bit here and there. I'd call that pretty damn reliable. Interference distorts transmissions, but there are some unmistakeable signals that can not be generated naturally. We

I can't really see radio waves either, but I'm pretty sure they are there. While seeing is believing, it is not necessarily needed for proof. There are other ways to detect civilizations in space.