
"spotting an advanced alien race elsewhere within our galaxy alone would be like spotting an individual electron on a grain of sand in a satellite photograph of the Sahara Desert"

The only thing that got me was Garfield's body language. Something just seemed wrong about it.

I disagree. Peter Parker is the smart, lovable nerd. When he becomes Spiderman, he is the smartass crime fighter depicted in this version. So, I'm glad to see the attitude change to something more in line with the comics and the old cartoons.

Weaver is the shiz. He is definitely my favorite character in the show. I was glad that they started to flesh him out some more and make him into a real person as the show progressed through season one. The complex relationship between Tom and Weaver was fun to watch develop. They are so different, but both styles of

Damn, thanks for taking care of that for me. I was sitting here thinking I would have to reply in essentially the same manner but you have done all the hard work already. Heart earned.

Good job! I agree with you. There are obviously two types of Engineers. The robe and ship design in the beginning were totally different than the clothing and ship design of the Bad Engineers.

Wait till its your turn.

Fear is a powerful tool.

No. You can't hear them unless they are at extremely low altitudes. Most drones are light weight and don't require a lot of power. If they are low though, they kinda sound like a lawn mower.

When in Rome...

Why is it always Paranormal Romance? The stuff is just prolific and everywhere. Must be easy to write.

It's really a fault in the wording of the article. I'm pretty sure he's talking about cutting funding to the department of education. A lot of people believe there shouldn't even be a federal department of education, leaving education up to each state.

Tell that to the guy with the TV mounted on the wall.

I agree, and I think you've hit the nail on the head. Suspension of disbelief is required and most people take these kinds of problems with a grain of salt.

"Confidence: David 8 expresses effortless confidence in his physicality. Additionally, his data processors constantly return flawless logic in every situation."

Yup, gonna have to second this. Sorry.

I did the same thing. In doing so, I found that most of the people I had on FB weren't even really friends. But that's ok, because I've made newer friends on G+ too. In the end, it's all just a wash. I'd at least rather have more control over who sees what.

I don't know which is hotter, Adrianne Palicki or the gun.

Not likely. Evolution that drastic over 3600 seems highly improbable to me.